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Yusuf Balasagyn.

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The life and activity of an outstanding poet of the thinker lived in XI century is connected with history of the town of Balasagyn, Yusuf (Djasyp) Balasagyn. Under statements of scientists, Djusup Balasagyn was born approximately in 1010 - 1016 in town Balasagyn, in honour of which has received the name. During creation of poem Djusup there were 54 years.
Poet start to write it in the town of Balasagyne, it has finished poem in Kashgar, the poet of 18 months wrote poem. Creation Djusup has presented the governor of Kashgar Tavchak Buura Karakhan Abu Ali Khasan whom people named khan from khans. Having understood deep sense of poem, khan in honour of merits of its creator has appropriated to it a title “Great Khass-Khadjiv“, - very high rank court. In XI century - in 1069 (1070) – a substantial body the first poem on Turkic language.
Data about Yusuf Balasagyn can be found from poem. East or bibliographers do not mention the biographer. Meanwhile, the researcher of poem A.N.Kononov writes, that Yusuf Balasagyn «was an outstanding poet, educated the person, scientific-encyclopedist, rhymist, owned all cobwebs Arabian both Persian poetry and Turkic folklore; it has been formed in astronomy and mathematic, in medicine, in game in chess and national sports and in many other things.
In «Kutadgu Bilig» have found reflection panhuman ideals, lines of poem became peoples proverbs and sayings. The poet from Balasagyn the first has entered Turkic language into the literature. The poem concerns to ethics-didactic genre, popular in Middle Ages in the East. Yusuf Balasagyn in rhyme couplets (beitas) state the understanding just the states where everyone can live happily.
Has finished poem Yusuf, on calculation scientists, approximately in 53 - 54-years age. Under some data, has died Yusuf Balasagyn in the age of 68 years, it is buried in the south town of Kashgar, in district Thaw-¡á». Within «cultural revolytion» in China (the end of 60th years of XX century) mausoleum Yusuf Balasagyni has been destroyed Red guard. Now it is restored. All are mortal and the reputation of the one who was nice for the affairs is eternal only.
Yusuf Balasagyn has died, approximately, after 1070.
The guidebook "The Tower of Burana”