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Zhalpak-asar ancient settlement.

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The Zhalpak-asar settlement is located in a wide valley, on a hill 113 meters above sea level, which is called the Zhalpakasar mound in the Karmakchinsky district of the Kyzylorda region, 10.6 kilometers northwest of the village of Turmaganbet and 49.4 kilometers to the southwest. from the regional center Zhosaly.
Zhalpakasar is an ancient settlement (III century BC - III century AD). In 1946 - 1948 it was examined by the Khorezm archaeological expedition led by S.P. Tolstov, 1949 - 1966 by the expedition of L.M. Levina. The plan is rectangular.
Fragments of pottery and animal bones were found. The main occupation of the inhabitants is agriculture and cattle breeding. The settlement is a two-tiered tobe in a rectangular plan (northeast - southwest). The first tier northwest - southeast line is 226 meters, southwest - northeast wall - 258 meters.
Height is 8-10 meters. The second tier, on which the citadel is located, the northeastern line is 114 meters, the west-eastern line is 137 meters. The outer wall is made of pakhsa blocks. The width of the wall is 7 - 8 meters.
The entrance from the northeastern corner, 10 - 12 meters wide, is marked with towers. The towers are 5 - 6 meters in diameter, the height of the preserved walls is up to 10 meters. Northwest corner 6 - 8 meters wide, from the south side 5 - 6 meters.
The citadel is located in the western half of the first tier, where its fortress and outer walls meet. The second tier is 14.8 meters high. The entrance to it is marked from the northern corner and the eastern side. The width of the fortress walls of the citadel reaches 6 meters.
Geographic coordinates of the settlement Zhalpak-Asar: N45 ° 05'36.47 "E63 ° 48'09.93"
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.