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Zhana-kala fortress.

Historical monuments of Kazakhstan.
"The fact that people do not learn from the mistakes of history is the most important lesson of history"
O. Huxley.
New monuments and architecture of Kazakhstan.
The Zhana-kala fortress is located 14.3 kilometers northwest of the Chirik-rabat settlement, 4.5 kilometers northwest of the Karabas fortress, on the right bank of the Zhanadarya. The monument was opened in 2017 by the route group of the Chirik-rabat archaeological expedition (Archive of IA MONRK F. 2 No. 3300).
The fortress is located on the edge of the northwestern border of the oasis. In the middle of the valley there is a canal bed, which branches off from Zhanadarya. The channel is located south of the fortress. On the sides of the canal there were fields irrigated from it.
Opposite the entrance to the fortress and to the southeast of it, a reservoir was discovered, where water from a canal entered. The monument in the plan is a rectangular (95 107 x 73 76 meters) structure with rounded corners, oriented with corners to the cardinal points.
The walls have been preserved to a height of 0.40 to 1 meter. The towers are missing or have not survived. The entrance, 6 meters wide, is located in the central section of the southern wall. On the surface of the fortress there are few small fragments of ceramics.
According to the topography and lifting material, the Zhana-kala fortress can be attributed to the Chirik-Rabat culture. The appearance of the structure has a certain similarity with the Chirikrabat fortresses Chirik 3 and Alyp-kela (Tezhekeyev, 2011b: 179 - 189, Utubaev, 2011: 48 - 52).
Geographic coordinates of the Zhana-kala fortress: N44 ° 06'46.19 "E62 ° 44'19.48"