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Ata ana rock in Kazgurt mountains.

Destinations and routes from Shymkent.
"Two rams won't fit in one pot"
Kazakh proverb.
Great Silk Road and Shymkent.
The Ata ana rock is located on the southern slopes of the Kazygurt ridge, in the northeastern part of the Angarata mountains, in the Shilter ata tract, 172 meters from the right (eastern) bank of the Angarata stream, which flows into the Angarata reservoir, 10.1 kilometers to the north west of the village of Sultanrabat, 13.7 kilometers north-west of the village of Lenger and 23.1 kilometers north-east of Shymkent in the Tolebi district of the Turkestan region.
Ata ana rock or “Adam and Eve” is a rock cut in half in the southern spurs of the Kazygurt ridge. The length of the cleft between the rocks is about 15 meters, and the width in narrow places is 25 - 30 centimeters.
This gap between the rocks can not be overcome by everyone, but at the same time a full person can pass. Locals attribute to this section of the rock the role of an examiner in the subject "know yourself" These rocks look like a monolith, as if cut from top to bottom by a giant sword.
The height of the rock is about a three-story house. The entire surface of the wide plane is pitted with round and oval holes of different depths. On other rocky outcrops, you can also find destruction of various shapes, but they are present on all sides.
The most interesting thing about this area is inside the crevice. Above, to the right and to the left, only long, stretching corridors are visible behind. People say that a physically healthy person with a kind and pure soul passes through this rock.
Some have to be content with the "armpit" of God. The "armpit" of God is a small grotto in the mountain. Whoever passes through this hole receives cleansing, the passage in the rock between Adam and Eve gives spiritual warmth and lightness.
Climbing higher, you can see a stone in the form of an inclined bed with a smooth surface of a red-grayish color. They say that if a person lies down tired, he will lie on his surface for 2 - 3 hours and he will leave rejuvenated.
Geographic coordinates of the Ata ana rock: N42 ° 08'25.82 "E69 ° 43'31.74"