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Fazhayip waterfall.

Waterfalls of Almaty region.
“Our song is burning out,
Like an evening candle
And two constellations hang down
From the saddle shoulder,
And it won't be soon for all of us to fall asleep
And then don't sleep yet,
Who ever saw the mountains -
He will return to them again"
Yuri Vizbor. "Winter camp" Alibek ". 1962.
Trip to waterfall on Left Tekes river.
Fazhayip waterfall (translated from Kazakh - "Amazing waterfall") is located at an altitude of 2627 meters above sea level, located in the gorge of the Levy Tekes river, 1.4 kilometers southeast of the mouth of the Levy Tekes river into the main channel of the Tekes river, in 26.2 kilometers south-west of the village of Saryzhaz, 28 kilometers from the village of Karkara, in the north-western part of the Kopyl ridge, on the northern slope of the Terskey Alatau ridge in the Kegen district of the Almaty region.
The height of the fall of the water is approximately 7 meters. The entire stream of the river rushes into a narrow channel behind which it falls vertically, with a crash, from about 7 - 8 meters in height into an 11 meter basin.
The western and eastern walls of the basin are semicircular and reach a height of 10 meters, the north-eastern side along which the river flows down is open. The pool area is 58 square meters. A narrow path leads from the right bank to the waterfall, which ends with a rocky platform from where it is good to watch the waterfall.
Geographic coordinates of Fazhayip waterfall (Amazing waterfall) in the Left Tekes gorge: N42 ° 41'55.66 "E79 ° 28'10.15"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.