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Lake Big Uryukty.

Natural monuments of Kazakhstan.
“The Earth is a watery planet where the quality of water determines the quality of life. Good water is a good life. Bad water is a bad life. No water - no life."
Peter Blake.
Beautiful places in Kazakhstan.
Moraine, flowing lake Big Uryukty is located at an altitude of 3047, 3 meters above sea level, located on the northern slope of the Kungey Alatau ridge in the upper reaches of the Bolshaya Uryukty river in Kegen district of Almaty region.
The Bolshiye Uryukty River flows into the lake from the south. The length of the lake is 397 meters, the width of the lake in the central part reaches 176 meters, the lake is stretched from the southwest to the northeast.
The perimeter of the lake is 929 meters, the area is 29 762 square meters. 2.7 kilometers southwest of the lake, there is a pass in the main ridge of the Kungey Alatau ridge - Chong-Uryukty, 3968 meters above sea level.
On the northern side of the lake there is an ancient, natural moraine, which served as a dam for the formation of the lake. 2 kilometers to the southeast under the ridge ridge on the north side there is a small moraine, oval lake at an altitude of 3540 meters above sea level, 81 meters long from south to north and 77 meters wide.
he lake is very picturesque in the summer months, surrounded by abundant alpine vegetation, among which flowers - primrose, edelweiss - occupy a significant place.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Bolshie Uryukty: N42 ° 53'42.02 "E77 ° 54'37.77"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.