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Semyonov Peak. Saryjaz ridge.

Peaks in Saryjaz ridge
“You can be the greatest mountaineer in the world and at the same time be a selfish asshole who doesn't care about your family and friends. Or you may be the one who tries to learn something from the rivers and mountains, who gets better on returning from there. I'm trying to be that kind of person."
Doug Ammons.
Climbing Semenov Peak in Saryjaz ridge.
Semyonov mountain peak is located at an altitude of 5816 meters above sea level, located in the eastern part of the Sarydzhaz ridge in the Narynskol district of the Almaty region. Semenov Peak is the highest point of the Saryjaz ridge.
The eastern slopes of the summit are on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the western ones in the Kyrgyz Republic. The state border between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic passes through the top from the south-west to the north-east.
The summit is located 6.3 kilometers (in a straight line) to the east and slightly south of Ignatiev Peak, 5488 meters above sea level, located in the Saryjaz ridge. From the top of Eleven Zapadny, Semyonov peak is located in the west and a little to the south, 5.5 kilometers.
The summit is shaped like a snow dome. A glacier descends from the eastern slope of the summit, which at an altitude of 4176 meters above sea level connects with a glacier that descends from a peak at an altitude of 5163 meters above sea level.
The total length of the Semyonov West glacier is 5 kilometers. The summit rises above the valleys of the Northern Inylchek and Semenov glaciers. The length of the Semyonov glacier, whose sources begin from the western slope of the summit, is 19.2 kilometers.
The tongue of the Semyonov glacier is located at an altitude of 3447 meters above sea level. The peak was named after the traveler and geographer Pyotr Petrovich Semyonov, who explored the Central Tien Shan in 1857.
Geographic coordinates of Semenov Peak: N42 ° 16'33.33 "E80 ° 07'06.30"
Alexander Petrov
Photos by
Sergei Mikhalkov.