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Lake Maloe Ala-Archa.

Mountain lakes in Ala-Archa gorge.
“...I smoked for a long time over the snowy abyss,
Now I could not help but understand:
Night, the beloved sleeps peacefully
But the mother is silently praying"
Yuri Vizbor. December 1954.
Sightseeing in park Ala-Archa.
The Maloe Ala-Archa moraine lake is located at an altitude of 3509 meters above sea level, located below the tongue of the Western Small Ala-Archa glacier, 50 kilometers south-west of the city of Bishkek, on the northern slope of the Kyrgyz ridge in the Alamudun district of the Chui region.
The length of the lake from southwest to northeast is 340 meters, the greatest width in the central part is 184 meters. The lake has a perimeter of 845 meters and an area of 43430 square meters. 175 meters to the southwest there is another moraine lake located at an altitude of 3557 meters above sea level.
The lake has a perimeter of 515 meters and an area of 13,828 square meters. A small stream flows out of this lake and flows into the southwestern part of the lower lake. In the lower part of the right branch of the Western Small Ala-Archa glacier, 230 meters south-west of Lake Maloye Ala-Archa, there is the next moraine lake at an altitude of 3601 meters above sea level.
The perimeter of the lake is 579 meters, the area is 15657 square meters. A small stream flows out of the northern part of this lake and flows into the southwestern part of the lower lake.
Geographic coordinates of the Maloe Ala-Archa lake: N42 ° 26'57.83 "E74 ° 26'15.30"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.