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Ayusai lake. Dzungarian Alatau.

Tours of travelers in mountains of Dzungarian Alatau.
“A person has quite enough objective reasons to strive for the conservation of wildlife. But in the end, only his love can save nature.”
Jean Dorst.
Rafting on rivers of Dzungarian Alatau.
The moraine, flowing lake Ayusai is located at an altitude of 3120 meters above sea level, is located in the upper reaches of the river of the same name, on the southern and eastern slopes of the Dzungarian Alatau ridge in the Eskeldin district of the Almaty region.
The area of the large lake Ayusay is 131576 square meters, the perimeter of the lake is 1586 meters. The length of the lake from southeast to northwest is 760 meters, the width in the central part of the lake is 243 meters.
In the west and north-west of Lake Ayusay there is a glacier of the same name, which has two branches: northern and southern. The northern branch of the Ayusay glacier is 1.7 kilometers long. The area of the glacier is 1.05 square kilometers, the perimeter is 5.34 kilometers.
The sources of the northern part of the glacier are located at an altitude of 3820 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is in contact with the lake. The southern branch of the Ayusai glacier, 1.4 kilometers long in its eastern part, also breaks into the lake.
The area of the glacier is 0.84 square kilometers, the perimeter is 4.18 kilometers. The sources of the southern branch of the glacier are located at an altitude of 3607 meters above sea level. The Ayusay River has a wide catchment area.
In the northernmost branch of the gorge there are 4 small lakes located at an altitude of 3309 and 3266 meters above sea level. Between this gorge and Lake Ayusay there is a small glacial circus with a moraine lake located at an altitude of 3412 meters above sea level.
The river flowing from the southern part of Lake Ayusai after 3.8 kilometers flows into the main channel of the river of the same name. 4.8 kilometers north of Lake Ayusay is the Sapozhnikov Glacier, 3.3 kilometers long, belonging to the basin of the Kora River.
3100 meters southeast of Lake Korzhun there is a moraine, flowing lake West Korzhun at an altitude of 3433 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Ayusay: N44°51'34.31" E79°27'26.56"
Alexander Petrov.
Photos by
Sergei Mikhalkov, Almaty city.