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Names in Fany Mountains.
Most beautiful nature of Tajikistan.
“... I smoked for a long time over the snowy abyss,
Now I couldn't understand:
Night, beloved sleeps peacefully,
But the mother prays quietly"
Yuri Vizbor. December 1954.
Unique places of nature in Tajikistan.
Names in the Fany Mountains: localities, peaks, passes are divided into three groups. The first includes names with unrevealed semantic meanings: Fandarya, Fan-Ulla, Hansa, Zinakh. Local Tajiks believe that these names have remained as monuments of some people who previously lived here.
Another group is represented by the names given by the Tajiks and translated into Russian: Yagnob (ice water), Akhbasoy (gorge to the pass), Archa-Maidan (juniper area), Bodhona (house of winds), Yakka-Khana (one house), Zindon (prison), Sangi Safed (white stone), etc.
The third group is made up of names given by travelers, climbers and tourists - Energia peak, Dozhdemernaya mountain, Moscow peak, Dvoynoy pass. In some cases, there is a double name - Russian and Tajik: Dozhdemernaya - Kui-Chorbai, Poor Bars - Palang-i-Safed, Kyrk-Shaitan - Simob, etc.
Local names often do not highlight details, but cover a whole section of the territory, for example, Kaznok is called the peak, the pass, the river and the entire area around the Kaznok gorge.
Geographical coordinates of Fany Mountains (Zerafshan Range): N39°14'43.01" E68°11'22.40"
"Fany Mountains and Yaghnob". N.V. Paganuzzi. 1968 Moscow. Publishing House of Physical Culture and Sports.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.