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Erementau reserve.

Tours in Erementau mountains.
“The rocking steppe.
Let's go for a walk, darling
Let's talk, indulging each other,
Let's reveal the secrets of the heart and soul.
Lean towards the flowers - tulips are good,
Life rejoices, beckoning and renewing!
Let's walk together, bending the grass,
May is eternal, but today it is young.
Let's touch the most tender strings,
Let's go, telling each other secrets,
And so, perhaps, we’ll get closer.”
"The smell of hair." Mukagali Makataev
Wildlife sanctuaries of Akmola region.
The Erementau reserve, located at altitudes from 489 to 750 meters above sea level, is located in the western part of the low-mountain Erementau massif on the territory of the Zvenigorodsky and Olzhabay batyr rural districts in the Erementau district in the eastern part of the Akmola region.
The collective enterprise "Olenty" and the forestry enterprise "Stepnoy" were created in 1978 on the basis of the Ereymentau state hunting farm. The area of the reserve is about 35,000 hectares. The objects of protection are species of valuable animals and plants of scientific and practical importance.
Over 50 rare and endangered plants grow here. The Erementau reserve is located in the steppe zone and foothills, on the slopes of the low-mountain Ereymentau massif. The main landscapes: dry steppes of the foothills, on the slopes - feather grass grass vegetation with small birch and aspen tufts, thickets of caragana and meadowsweet in gentle mountain valleys.
The fauna of the Erementau reserve is represented by: ar har, Siberian roe deer, hares, gray and white partridges, black grouse. Hunting of animals is prohibited all year round.
Geographic coordinates of Erementau reserve: N51°28'59.23" E73°10'10.21"
If you are using geographic coordinates for Google Earth or Google Maps navigation systems, you must remove the last two digits from geographic coordinates and " (hundredths of a second) and enter the result in the input line. Example: N51°44'09.67" E72°39'40.81" = N51°44'09 E72°39'40
Encyclopedia of Akmola.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.