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Hot spring "Kara-Tash" on Sarydzhaz River.

Rest at hot springs of Kyrgyzstan.

"A stream of burning water runs out
From the dungeons.
Not external heat feeds it,
Not the heat of the sun makes it seethe; -
Oh no, the hidden furnace
Boils the living moisture;
The cores of the earth's depths
A fire is bequeathed to the original:
From there a hot guest to us
Break out of the granite door."

Vladimir Benediktov. "Hot spring". 1855.

Thermal springs of Tien-Shan.

Hot spring "Kara-Tash" is located at an altitude of 2469 meters above sea level, is located 63 meters from  main, left bank of Sarydzhaz River, 6 kilometers to south (by road) from village of Inylchek, 4.2 kilometers to north and a little west of mouth of Kaindy River, 2.3 kilometers to northwest from working village of Kurgak, in Aksu district in eastern part of Issyk-Kul region. 
109 kilometers before the river crosses the border with the People's Republic of China and 104 kilometers from the beginning of the sources, almost in the middle of Sarydzhaz, under a cliff consisting of metamorphic rock there is a hot spring with a water temperature at the outlet reaching 60 degrees.
The thermal waters of the main source are confined to cracks of a large fault in Paleozoic metamorphic rocks and flow from the foot of the rocky cliff of Kara-Tash into the bed of the Sarydzhaz River. The geologists of the Sarydzhaz expedition drilled a well to increase the flow rate of thermal waters, but the goal was not achieved.
Upstream on the left bank in the floodplain of the river there are still small outlets of thermal waters. The outlet of hot waters is under the rock, on the western side, not long ago a simple concrete pool for bathing with steps was built here and a pipe water pipeline was laid with the supply of hot water to the bathhouse of the village of Inylchek.
In the summer months, when the water in the river rises, the source goes under water, at least the approach to it is difficult, it is necessary to walk knee-deep in icy water. The first descriptions of these sources were made by geologist D. I. Yakovlev in 1932, later they were repeatedly studied by other specialists, including the most complete - by hydrogeologist E. A. Streltsov in 1966 - 1967.
The measured part of the thermal water outlet gives an inflow of 0.26 l / s, their temperature reaches 57 ° C, the composition is sodium chloride-sulphate with mineralization up to 0.9 g / l. The water contains up to 2.5 mg/l of hydrogen sulfide, which gives it a characteristic odor, there are molybdenum, zinc, copper, lead, silicic acid.
In composition and properties, this water is similar to the water of many other thermal springs of the republic - Issyk-Ata, Ak-Suu, Kokomeren, etc.
Geographical coordinates of hot spring "Kara-Tash": N41°59'40 E79°04'44

Alexander Petrov.
V.G. Petrov, local historian, Bishkek.

Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.