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Tour Petroglyphs Bayan-Zhurek and Eshkiolmes.

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page”
Augustine of Hippo.
Tours on petroglyphs epoch of bronze of Almaty area.
The short description of the tour route to Issyk burial mounds:
Almaty - town Taldykorgan - settlement Kapal – petroglyphs Bayan-Zhurek - garden of Sacrificial stones - settlements of an epoch of bronze of natural boundary Tasbas - stone granite sculptures Bayan-Zhurek - rock figures Eshkiolmes - petroglyphs Tamgaly - Almaty.
Distance of route: 981 km.
Season: from April till September.
The best time for travel: April - September.
Duration tour: 7 days, 6 nights.
Detailed the program day by day to Eshkiolmes petrogglyphs:
Photo Tours to petroglyphs in Kazakhstan.
1 Day. Almaty.
Arrival in Almaty, meeting at the airport, transfer to hotel, accommodation, rest. Breakfast. After breakfast visiting of national historical museum, visiting of "gold" room saks, in museum is gold saks which have been found at excavation of burial place of the Gold person on Issyk barrows. After visiting museum of history visiting of the area of Republic on which is stella Independence of Republic Kazakhstan with the set up stone sculpture of the Gold person.
Visiting of park 28 guardsmen-panfilovzev, visiting Voznesenskiy of cathedral of architect Andrey Zenkov, visiting of museum of musical instruments. Lunch at local restaurant. Sightseeing tour on city. Transfer to station cable way «Kok-Tobe» at palace of Republic. Rise on cable way on mountain Kok-Tobe of 1130 meters above sea level, extent of 1,7 km, in way of 5 minutes. Walk in vicinities of mountain Kok-Tobe.
From viewing platform which is on northwest part of mountain the kind on city Almaty from height of the bird's flight opens. Visiting on mountain Kok-Tobe (birds of prey, pheasants, peacocks, deers, llamas both other animals and birds), monument to group "The Beatles", shop of souvenirs, art gallery. Descent from mountain Kok-Tobe on bus station. Transfer to city. Dinner at local restaurant. Transfer to hotel, overnight.
2 Day. Almaty - town Taldykorgan - settlement Kapal – petroglyphs Bayan-Zhurek (364 km).
Departure from Almaty. Our way from Almaty lays on the north up to the city of Kapshagaj, we pass the automobile bridge and dam at beginning Kapshagai of water basin, from here our movement gets east direction. On the left party in parallel with us blue water Kapshagai of the water basin which have stretched more than on 90 kilometers from the east on the West is visible. We pass settlement Shengeldy which is located to the right of our road.
Between pass Arharly of 1086 meters above sea level and settlement Shengeldy small intermountain plateau Itzhon meridian directions in length no more 25 kilometers is located. After pass Arharly up to settlement Mukry we move on east spurs of ridge Malaisary and only after settlement Mukry on roundabout road we pass city of Taldykorgan, behind city from the left party from road the military air station with caponier for planes was stretched.
After Taldykorgan 47 more kilometers we move on the east and only having passed this distance we turn on the south-east to settlement Kapal. From here further our way lays along spurs of mountains Dzungarian Alatau and up to Kapal there are 39 kilometers. Lunch in a way. Having passed settlement Kapal and through 10 kilometers we turn off on country road which through 7 kilometers leads us to the dried up channel, near to petroglyphs the Bayan-Zhurek. Walk and excursion on petrglyphs the Bayan-Zhurek, acquaintance to art of Turkic artists, photographing. Visiting of ancient settlements at rocks where are petroglyphs. Here near to camp there are ancient burial grounds-burial places. Returning in camp. Dinner and overnight in tents.
3 Day. Petroglyphs Bayan-Zhurek - garden of Sacrificial stones - settlements of an epoch of bronze of natural boundary Tasbas - stone granite sculptures Bayan- Zhurek 13 km).
Breakfast. Till dinner visiting petroglyphs the Bayan-Zhurek. Petroglyphs Bayan- Zhurek are located in the first gorge from the south of the western slope of mountains the Bayan- Zhurek. Petroglyphs are located on southern slope of gorge. After visiting petroglyphs the Bayan- Zhurek transfer to garden of Sacrificial stones, epoch of the bronze, located on foothill plain between northern slopes of Dzungarian Alatau and southern slopes of mountains the Bayan- Zhurek (6 km).
The garden of Stones consists of vertically costing stones with with small deepenings. Visiting of garden of sacrificial stones. Lunch. Transfer: garden of Sacrificial stones - natural boundary Tasbas (5 km). Arrival in natural boundary Tasbas to the river the Kara-Bien, walk in vicinities, visiting of ancient settlements of an epoch of bronze. Walk in mountains the Bayan- Zhurek on stone granite sculptures (2 km). Returning in camp on the river Kara-Bien. Dinner and overnight in tents.
4 Day. Natural boundary Tasbas - mountains Bayan-Zhrek - barrows of an epoch of iron - settlement Kapal - town Taldykorgan - petroglyphs Eshkiolmes (167 km).
Breakfast. On road to settlement Kapal we shall make pair stops on barrows of an epoch of early iron in vicinities of settlement. Barrows are near to road with right and from the left party. Visiting and photographing of barrows.
Further our way lays up to the town of Taldykorgan (117 km). Arrival in Taldykorgan, visiting of museum of history of Almaty area. Lunch in local cafe. After the termination of excursion after settlement Baktybai Zholbarysuly we curtail on the left to settlement Aldabergenovo. We Reserve water-intaking dam on the river Koksu and further our way lays on the right party of the river, in one place we shall overcome outputs of rocks through which the road in immediate proximity at the river, such road under force is laid to an off-road car.
After that obstacles we shall overcome two more small gorges adjoining at the left, soon the road passes in usual country road which lasts between southern slope of mountain ridge and the river to Koksu. Stop at the beginning of one of gorges. Walk and excursion in gorge to petroglyphs 1 and 2-nd groups Eshkiolmes, photographing. Dinner, overnight in tents on coast of the river Koksu.
5 Day. Rock drawings Eshkiolmes - Saryozek - town Kapshagaj - Almaty (277 km).
Breakfast. After breakfast transfer to petroglyphs 3 and 20 groups petroglyphs. An ascention on mountain Ushastaya to petroglyphs epoch of bronze and saks petroglyphs. Walks and excursions to petroglyphs. Lunch. After lunch transfer to Almaty (277 km.). Arrival in Almaty, transfer to hotel, accommodation, dinner at restaurant, overnight.
6 Day. Almaty - railway station Kopa - settlement Karabastau - natural boundary Tamgaly (160 km, 3 hours).
The Way from Almaty to cave painting Tamgaly (Kazakh - Tanbaly) conducts on the West on motorway of Almaty - Bishkek. We pass pair settlements Samsy and Targap and on 100 kilometer it is turned off on the right in direction on train station Kopa. We pass 60 kilometers and we at cave painting, after settlement Karabastau from the basic road we turn off on the left to the nearest hills.
On steppe we pass полкилометра and we arrive on the small platform equipped under parking of cars. The further way, about 700 meters we make on foot. The majority of cave painting in natural boundary Tamgaly are dated an epoch of bronze. Over 2000 petroglyphs from different epochs beginning with the Bronze Epoch were discovered here. Excursion and walks on cave painting in natural boundary Tamgaly, photographing of figures and vicinities. Lunch. Returning in Almaty. Dinner and overnight in the hotel.
7 Day. Almaty.
Seeing off to the airport, departure from Almaty.
Notes for tour «Tour Petroglyphs Bayan-Zhurek and Eshkiolmes»:
1. Transfers on jeeps or minibuses «Mitsubishi Delica».
2. Quantity the person for such round no more than 12 person.
3. At lodgings for the night in yurts - toilets on the nature.
4. Personal equipment of the tourist: sleeping bag, karemat (sleeping rug), small lamp. Recommended clothes and footwear: running shoes with rigid sole, trekking boots or shoes, cap, sunglasses.
5. Accommodation in tents - on 2 persons, at desire it is possible to give single accommodation for an additional payment.
6. Russian guides at this excursion - Maryashev Alexey Nikolaevich, professor, doctor of historical sciences or Olga Gumirova - writer, journalist.
Author program is Alexander Petrov. Copying and use - only from the sanction of the author -
Alexander Petrov