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Tour from Khiva to Kunya-Urgench.

Travel from Uzbekistan to Turkmenistan.
The brief description of route of tour from Uzbekistan to Turkmenistan:
Khiva - Check point “Shavat” - Dashoguz - town of Kunya-Urgench - historical and cultural memorial estate «Old Urgench» - Khiva.
Distance route: 331 km.
Season: all-the-year-round.
The Best time for travel: from April, 1st till September, 30th.
Duration: 1 day.
The detailed program of tour from Uzbekistan to historical and cultural reserve estate «Old Urgench»:
1 Day. Khiva - Old Kunya-Urgench (331 km).
Breakfast. Departure from Khiva at 6.00. Transfer: Khiva - settlement Koshkupyr - settlement Shavat - Check point «Shavat» (58 km). Arrival on a check point «Shavat». A meeting on a check point “Shavat”. Passage of formalities boundary and customs services of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
Transfer: Check point “Shavat” – Dashoguz - Kunya-Urgench (108 km). Visiting on historical and cultural memorial estate Old Kunya-Urgench.
Visiting of mosque Dash (1907 - 1908) and of mosque Matkerim Ishan.
In ancient Kunya-Urgench, in 80 meters to the east of Nadzhmeddin Kubra mausoleum there is a madrasah of mosque Dash. The building is built in 1907 - 1908 for Mahomed-Amin at the expense of the treasury the Khivan khan as madrasah including the room of the mosque.
Visit of the mausoleum Sultan Ali. Mausoleum of Sultan Ali XVI century. or the XVI century (date not specified). Erected in the ensemble "Kosh" with khanaka Nadzhmeddina Kubra. Compositionally, he imitates the mausoleum of the Sufi: in terms of a hexagonal and a rectangular darshanu gurkhan.
Visit of the mausoleum of Piryar Vali. Nearby, only in 15 meters from the well-known mausoleum of Nadzhmeddin al-Kubra (XIVth century), in the territory of the extensive cemetery called in the people of "Uch yuz altmysh" ("Three hundred sixty") the small ancient mausoleum is located. After creation in Kunya-Urgench of the National historical and cultural park the mausoleum was reconstructed.
Visit of mausoleums of Nadzhmetdin Kubra. The Mausoleum of Shaykh Najm al-Din Kubra (1145 - 1221) is located in the ancient cemetery adjacent to the, modern city center of Kunya Urgench. Built by Qutlugh Timur (1321 - 1333), the governor of Khorezm, the mausoleum is named after Najm al-Din Kubra al Khorezmi, the Muslim philosopher who founded the Kubrawiyyah Sufi order.
Visit of the mausoleum Tyurabek khanum. Mausoleum Tyrabekh Khanum, dated to the middle of XIV century and belonging to the time of the governing of Sufi Dynasty in the Old Urgench, is the real pearl of Khorezm and whole Turkmen агсhitecture. The high and light 6-faceted hall of about 100 sq. m is the peculiarity of this creature. Its walls are decorated with coloured mosaic.
Visit of minaret of Kutlug Timur. Kutlug Timur minaret for unknown reasons, construction was interrupted for a very long time, and was completed only in 1321-1336, in the time of Kutlug-Timur (the vice-regent of the Golden Horde). This 62m tower was named after him; and is the tallest minaret in Central Asia.
Visit of the mosque mausoleum Seyit Ahmed. Visit of fortress Kyrk Mola. Fortress Kyrk Mola (the 40th mullahs), is located on the northeast suburb of Kunya-Urgench - near Khorezm Shakh Tekesh mausoleum. The area of fortress is 3 hectares. Maximum height of towers of 12,5 meters. During excavation by archeologists the fortification of the antique period, and also an altar was found. Fortress is the most ancient center of Gurgandzha. Scientists believe that during the Middle Ages era there was the well-known library of Mamun here.
Visit of the mausoleum of Sultan Tekesh.The mausoleum of Anushtigid ruler Tekesh (1172 - 1200) stands near the Fakhr al-Din al-Razi mausoleum and Kutlug Timur minaret, in Kunya Urgench (or Gurganj), the dynastic capital of the Khorezm Shakhs (1077 - 1231).
Further visit of the mosque mausoleum Il Arslan. The mausoleum mausoleum Il Arskan of Khorezm Shakh of Il-Arslana called also by the mausoleum Fakhred-dina Razi - other well-known building of the cultural and historical reserve Old Kunya-Urgench. The first monumental construction of Central Asia built in second half of the XIIth century. Known also the magnificent relief ornament of the main facade which is cut out on terracotta and unique tent with 12 sides.
Following architectural sights of Old Urgench on our pedestrian way - Mamun minaret. Opposite to minaret Mamun, in east part there is an ancient necropolis. Mamun minaret is a part to the Mongolian Urgench, is located in a northern part of Dash Gala, near the mausoleum Il-Arslana. Ruins of a minaret were found as a result of excavation thanks to which it became known that completely the minaret collapsed only hundred years ago. In 1900 locals found a mortgage lead tile with the inscription narrating that the minaret was constructed in 1011 by order of the shah Mamuna
On the way to Mamun minaret visit of gate of caravanserai.
Visit of fortress of Ak kala (XVI century). The fortress was named Ak-Kala after its population had abandoned it. With the retreat of water the whole oasis dried up and turned into a desert.
Transfer: Old Urgench - Kynya-Urgench - Dashoguz – Check point “Shavat” (107 km). Passage of formalities boundary and customs services of Turkmenistan and Turkmenistan.
Transfer to Khiva (58 km).
Author program of Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction from the sanction of the author
Alexander Petrov