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Kaindy lake.

Exclusive tours Kolsay lakes Kazakhstan.
“The world`s history is constant, like the laws of nature, and simple, like the souls of men. The same conditions continually produce the same results”
Friedrich von Schiller.
Tours order in Kazakhstan.
The flowing lake Kaindy (translated from Kazakh - Berezovoe), located at an altitude of 1867 meters above sea level, is located on the northern slope of the Kungey Alatau ridge, in the bed of the river of the same name, on the territory of the Kolsai Kolderi natural park in the Kegen district of the Almaty region.
The length of the lake from the south-west to the north-east is 485 meters, the greatest width in the central part is 114 meters, and the depth is up to 30 meters. The perimeter of the lake is 1036 meters, the area is 43469 square meters.
The eastern shores of the lake are steep, the western shore is gentle, in the southern part of the lake at the mouth of the Kaindy River there is a small bay. Translated from the Kazakh language, Kaindy means “Birch”.
This name was given to the lake because of a large birch grove once planted by people five kilometers north of it. Kaindy is a young lake, it was formed in the XX century, in 1973 during the Zhalanash earthquake, as a result of a mountain landslide.
A landslide came down from the ridge of the right (western) slope of the gorge at an altitude of 2867 meters above sea level, blocking the river bed. The length of the landslide from the ridge to the channel of the Kaindy River was 2572 meters, the cone of the landslide in width in the riverbed stretched for 528 meters.
The energy of the landslide was colossal as the colluvial deposits reached the opposite, eastern (left) slope of the gorge. The river at the site of the landslide has laid a new channel in a disorderly pile of soil, stone, and debris.
Thus, the collapse blocked the river and as a result, a lake was formed. Landslide traces are still clearly visible. The water flooded the formed hollow, the spruces growing along the river bed turned out to be flooded, their dry trunks rise above the surface of the cold lake, giving it an amazing and unique look.
The water in the lake is very cold, which is why the trees are well preserved; under the water, on the trunks of the trees, needles are preserved, which can be clearly seen through the transparent surface of the water.
All this mystical splendor of the lake cannot be conveyed in words, you must definitely go there and see everything with your own eyes. If you climb the crest of the ridge, you can see the panorama of Kungey Alatau: sharp peaks of fir trees and distant mountain peaks.
From the crest of the ridge, amazing views of the Kaindy, Saty gorges, the Chilik river valley open. It is not difficult to get to the lake. You need to drive to the village of Zhalanash, located 250 kilometers east of Almaty, after turning right at the road sign "Saty", "Lake Kolsay", 1.5 kilometers before the bridge over the Charyn River.
Then, before reaching the village of Saty, about 555 meters away, before descending to the village, in the area of mazars, turn left in a southern direction along a country road that rises sharply upward. This road leads to the car park, which is located 2.2 kilometers in front of the lake.
From the parking lot, you can take a walk to the lake along the road along the left side of the gorge and along the path that runs along the right side of the gorge.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Kaindy: N42 ° 59'04.53 "E78 ° 27'56.24"
Authority and photos by:
Alexander Petrov.