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Sha-Qalandar Bobo Complex.

Tours on madrasah Khiva.
“Architecture is also a chronicle of the world: it speaks when both songs and traditions are silent”
Nikolay Gogol.
Luxury travellers in Khiva.
Ensemble Sha-Qalandar Bobo consists of one storied madrassah and a minaret. It was built late XIXth century at the burial place of Sheikh Qalandar-Bobo. According to legends, Shaqalandar Bobo or Sheikh Qalandar Bobo was Sheikh sufist, he came to Khiva in search of faith together with his two brothers, dervishes.
Here they stayed apparently unwilling to part with their favorite city. The city and the people whom he taught Sufism, thanked him, having constructed in his honor this beautiful mausoleum of Shah Qalandar-Bobo.
The mausoleum Shaqalandar Bobo is built in the center graveyard that bears the same name and located to southwest of the madrassah Bikajan Bika. The complex was refurbished in 1997, has a domed portal and a tomb.
There was a three-chambered mausoleum of the XVIth century with two tombs from him preserved a memorial domed building with a portal. Along the perimeter of the courtyard of the madrassah there located a row of residential hujras, as well as, domed halls of the mosque and classrooms.
At a portal of the main facade of madrassah a minaret of 18 meters high and with a diameter of 6 m. at the base is located.