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Tours over historical monuments of the Kashkadarya province.
To the south from Shakhrisabz on distance approximately in 60 km there is unique for mountain areas of Uzbekistan an architectural ensemble – Katta-Lyangar. He is located in the center of narrow gorge the Kook-Su in valley Layngar-Sai and includes a mosque and mausoleum Laynagar-Ata.
Both constructions have been constructed on the next hills in the beginning of XVI century at Sheibanids. Mosque Katta-Lyangar is constructed so, that the wall with mikhrab is turned to the mausoleum.
Being on a high hill, dome mausoleum Lyangar-Ata is visible from everywhere and makes sensation of unearthly "space" object. In the mausoleum погребены sheikhs bury influential in XV - XVI c.c.
Sufi communities «Ishkiya». Were saved stone стелы with epitaph sheikhs: Mukhammad Sodik (mind. 1543), Named Lyangar-Ata (from «Lyangar» - an anchor, a stop), and also its father and the son.
The Internal dome of the mausoleum is trimmed by a thin ornamental groove on color clay. In Lyangar to a community «Ishkiya» as relics the unique list of "Koran Usman» and legendary Khirka (raincoat) of Prophet Muhammada was stored.
Khirka have taken away during intrusion of Afghans into the middle of XVIII century and store in the mausoleum Ahmad-Shakh Durrani in Kandahar. Pages Layngar the list of "Koran Usman» are in Tashkent and Petersburg.
Alexey Arapov. Uzbekistan.
Alexander Petrov.