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Bust Makhatma Ghandi in Dushanbe.

List of monuments in Dushanbe.
"No" said with deep conviction is better than "Yes" said only to please or, worse, to avoid problems.
Mahatma Gandhi.
Monuments in Dushanbe.
Bust of Mahatma Gandhi is installed in the square of the same name on the southwestern side of the city clinic No. 1 along the street along Bukhoro street at the corner with Pulodi street in Dushanbe. The monument was installed in 2003 during the official visit of the then Prime Minister of India, Atal Bhari Vajpayee.
Monument to prominent Indian thinker Mahatma Gandhi. The monument was prepared in India, and Tajik architects took part in the design of the square.
Geographical coordinates of monument to Mahatma Gandhi in Dushanbe: N38°34'23.20" E68°47'32.38"
Authority and photos by:
Tourist guidebook on monuments of Dushanbe. 2012.