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Stele 20 years Tadjik SSR in Dushanbe.

One-day excursion tours over Dushanbe.
"In the green valley between the majestic mountains
There is a city from the sun, plane trees live in it.
Oh, these plane trees! Trees are poets.
Trees are destiny. Trees are from the light.
Stand big. Stop - make noise.
Foliage flies around, but you are not sad.
In the scorching sun - shade and coolness.
For the birds you are a home, for the eyes you are a delight.»
Vladimir Peresedov.
Excursion tours over Dushanbe.
With stele with the arms Tadjik SSR, established on the area in honour of the 20 anniversary Tadjik SSR reckons distances of city on all directions. Here there are all important actions - parades, processions.
Stele it has been established in 1949 in commemoration of the 20 anniversary of republic and was one of a symbol of Dushanbe the initiator of perpetuating of this piece of history of republic became Bododjon Gafurov.
«In 1949 Bododjon Gafurov borrowed not only a post of the first secretary of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Tajikistan, but also headed Stalinabd regional, - tells G.Shermatov.
- He has acted as the initiator of construction of a monument in honour of the 20 anniversary of republic; competition has been spent, and Bododjon Gafurov has personally chosen from all presented works the project of this stele, prepared by an outstanding sculptor Elena Tatarinova».
Elena Alekseevna Tatarinova (1897 - 1987), the graduate of sculptural faculty of the Leningrad art institute it. I.E.Repina of the Academy of arts of the USSR. Is one of authors of the project of Theatre of an opera and ballet by it. S.Aini.
Has arrived to Tajikistan per 1939, after end of construction of theatre has decided to remain in Tajikistan for ever. E.Tatarinova took part in registration of the House of the government, a building of the State Bank and many other things of buildings in capital of Tajikistan.
With 1951 for 1954 E.Tatarinova has executed the first in republic a number of sculptural busts Tadjik and Russian classik literatures for republican library it Firdousi. On the basis of the portrait reconstruction spent by academician M.M.Gerasimov, E.Tatarinova for the first time in the world has created an initial image of poet Rudaki.
On bas-reliefs of a capital stele people of Tajikistan is represented: intelligency, collective farmers, workers and military men. To Colon the Tadjik builders erected. In December, 2015 from central capital area Dusti (Lenin's former area) have cleaned in parts 24-meter stele with the arms Tadjik SSR.
City authorities have explained, that on the area already there is an image of the modern Tadjik arms and that the Soviet monument ostensibly is not entered in the general plan of capital.
Liliy Gaisina, Gafur Shermatov, the historian. Asia-Plus
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.