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Kuhna madrasah.

Individual excursion tours over monuments Khatlon of province.
Madrsah Kuhna (XVI - XVII с.с.) has a rectangular courtyard in the size 27 х 26 meters, on external perimeter - 50 х 45 meters. The court yard is surrounded 27-th khudjrs (cellarer) for pupils, everyone in the size 3 х 4 meters, a mosque and auxiliary premises.
The monumental portal is turned on the area Registan. To the right of an input the dome mosque, and at the left - audiences is located. Corners of the main facade are deduced by low towers - Guldasta (tower), the decorated relief brick ornaments.
One of features of an entrance part madrasah is presence Bolokhona - libraries above a dome lobby. She is closed from a facade by a portal in which niche the wooden balcony above a gate with a kind on the city area Registan is arranged.
The architecture of the main facade is constructed on contrast of a rectangular portal with an arch niche and multistage structure of a dome mosque on the right wing of a building. For visual effect of a face-to-face composition the architect has strengthened to plastic of blank walls a of deep arch niches on the left wing.
Accordingly strong niches of walls of the right wing are less relief. The first researchers madrasah Nav were Atahanov T.M., Samoilik P.T., Bretaniskiy H.P. Subsequently all the constructions representing an architectural ensemble, some features reminding ensembles of Bukhara and Samarkand, have been restored and today appear to a look of visitors in the form of, close to protogenic.
In the beginning of XX century in madrasah-Kuhna were trained from 100 up to 150 pupils. Employment in madrasah have stopped in 1921.
The guidebook «Khisor a site of ancient settlement», A.L. Abdulloev, Z.Dzhobirov. Dushanbe, 2006.
Alexander Petrov.