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Museum in Kabadien.

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The historical-study of local lore museum of name Khosiri Khusrav is to the address of: Khatlon of province, area Kabadian, Kabadien, Lenin's street, 72. The museum is based in 1988 under the decision of a management of area.
In 2005 the museum became the winner spent the Ministry of culture of Tajikistan of museum competition, having received a prize for scientific character of an exposition. The museum is located in a building of the Cultural center of area where together with it there is a regional library and an assembly hall.
Funds of a museum total 1700 exhibits, on a constant exposition half of assembly is exposed approximately. The basic part of a collection archeological finds from monuments of the area Kabadien make, most known of which - site of ancient settlement Takhti Sangin of VI century B.C. - III B.C.
The archeologic collection of a museum is distinguished with the good scientific description. The exposition consists of several thematic blocks. Section «The Ancient history and archeology Kabadien» represents unique archeological finds: samples of a groove on bones and terracotta figurines from site of ancient settlement Takhti Sangin and other monuments of area Kabadien where the rivers Vakhshs and Pyanj merge and which always had strategic trading and military value.
The section «History and a trade» is devoted to history of studying of archeologic monuments Kabadien and work of expedition of the Moscow institute of archeology АН the USSR under direction of the doctor of historical sciences I. G. Pikechyan in 1976 - 1990 as a result of which researches many archeologic monuments of southern Tajikistan have been opened and published.
Here there are black-and-white photos of subjects from Amudarya treasure (theasure Oks), consisting of 200 gold subjects VI - III century B.C. Theasure has been found on territories of southern Tajikistan, and today subjects from it are stored in the British museum.
Researches of archeologists allow to consider, that between Amudarya theasure and finds from Temple Oks from site of ancient settlement Takhti Sangin there are many historical, cultural and art communications.
The Most part of unique finds from site of ancient settlement Takhti Sangin today is stored in the National museum of antiquities in city Dushanbe. Section «Our ancestors - our pride» represents subjects of traditional culture of Tadjiks of second half XX-of beginning of XXI century, among which household goods, wooden and metal utensils, subjects horse equipments, instruments of work, samples of traditional clothes and an ornament, musical instruments and products of arts and crafts.
The final section represents some aspects of modern history Kabadien - reconstruction of a building of the Cultural center 2003 - 2007, celebrating in 2003 of 1000 anniversary Khosir Khisrav, gifts of the President of Republic and the government to city.
Museum label in the Tadjik and English languages. The museum works as the center of a cultural life of area. Here often pass meetings with veterans and leaders of work, scientists of the Tadjik Academy of sciences and other centres of science of the CIS.
In an exposition of a museum often it is possible to see exhibitions of products of local painters. In a museum excursions for schoolboys are spent. The museum is opened from 9.00 till. The Break from 13.00 till. The Days off - Sunday, Monday. The Input free-of-charge.
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