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Mamun minaret.
![Mamuna minaret.](
Study tours on monuments of Dashoguz Region.
"Kunya-Urgench provides an exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition (the Islamic culture of the Khorezm) and is unique in its state of preservation. The society that created this centre has disappeared; however we note that most of visitors are in fact pilgrims from the region"
Trips on archaeological monuments of Kyrgyzstan.
Mamun's minaret is a part to the Mongolian Urgench, is located in a northern part of Dash Gala, near the mausoleum Il-Arslana. Ruins of a minaret were found as a result of excavation thanks to which it became known that completely the minaret collapsed only hundred years ago.
In 1900 locals found a mortgage lead tile with the inscription narrating that the minaret was constructed in 1011 by order of the shah Mamuna. Possibly, the mosque adjoining it from which only numerous stone bases of wooden columns remained also belongs to the same time.
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport. "Religious and spiritual monuments to Central Asia". Author M. Hashimov. Saga publishing house, 2001.
Alexander Petrov.