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Koksu ridge. West Tien-Shan.

Photo Tours in Uzbekistan.
“The miracles of earth are the laws of heaven”
Jean Paul Richter.
Wildflowers - Tourism in Uzbekistan.
In a riverhead of Ikhnach the Koksu ridge parallel to it stretched almost on 60 km departs from the Pskem ridge. Between ridges the river to Coke flowing now into the Charvak reservoir at Brichmulla kishlak flows.
The slopes of both ridges turned to the river are abrupt also rock, is frequent almost down. Therefore to Cox flows in the deep gorge and more than it is half impassable along the course. The Tashkent tourists could in October when there was very few water, to pass all gorge, and here and there they used air mattresses.
The valley in some places is partitioned by the blockages which formed four lakes. The latest blockage occurred in the spring of 1969. At distance of 30 km from sources to the natural boundary Ayryk the valley the structure reminds Cox a beads: sites, expanded to half a kilometer, are replaced by tesnina.
Tourists visited this part of the river seldom. There are highest points of the Koksu ridge - top Aktash (3482 m) and Kazanbulak (3369 m). The natural boundary Ayryk is near a confluence in Cox of the small river of the same name (height - 1500 m).
Here in a shadow of birches, poplars there are several lodges, the big shelter for the cattle, slightly aside there are a lot of beehives. Large inflow of Mynzhilki falls into 7 - 8 km from the natural boundary in Cox on the right.
On a half of this distance it is possible to see the remains of the lake formed in 1969. The huge blockage partitioned off then the bed of the river, but water washed away a dam over time.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.