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Petroglyphs of Boritastagan.

Vacation destination in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
“I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers”
Langston Hughes.
City break town of Kurchatov.
The petroglyphs Boritastagan are located in 75 kilometers to the northwest from the settlement of Aksuat in the Kokpekty Region of East Kazakhstan region. There are petroglyphs in the unique place on the granite rock Boritastagan into which in a small grotto it is necessary to get on a ladder.
In a grotto on granite rocks drawings are put with ochre. The rock stands in the steppe and represents the massive boulder extended from the northeast on the southwest from light gray granite with fancy outlines.
Extent of the granite massif Boritastagan of 229 meters, the greatest width of granite, in the wide place - 68 meters. Granite height Boritastagan above sea level - 558 meters. In 6 kilometers in the southeast the small river the Bugaz river which the beginning in the mountains Shubartobe flows.
Carving of the rock Boritastagan are known to researchers since the beginning of the XX century which repeatedly described them and published.
Alexander Petrov. Petroglyphs of medieval Kazakhstan". Erdan Oralbay. Research associate of Institute of archeology of A. H. Margulan of Almaty
Photos by
Eskander Baitenov.