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Mosque-madrasah of Kokbay Zhanatauly.

Monuments of Kazakhstan.
“If the main wealth for the people is health, then the main wealth for the soul is knowledge and art. It is only with their help that peoples find their place in civilization. The main thing now is to give knowledge to young people, to teach them a craft, a profession. To implement these tasks in the Kazakh steppe, it is necessary to open Kazakh schools everywhere, teach in the Kazakh language"
Akhmet Baitursynov.
Trip from Semey to Kurchatov.
The mosque-madrasah of the Kazakh poet Kokbay Zhanatayev is located on the eastern side of the Kanchingiz and Chingiz-Tau mountains, at the Takyr winter road on the right (western) bank of the small Takyr river channel, 9 kilometers northeast of the village of Kokbai (the old name of Kyzyltas) and at 18 , 5 kilometers south-east of the regional center - the village of Karaul in the Abay district in the south-west of the East Kazakhstan region.
On Soviet topographic maps, the name in the above place was preserved - “could. Madrasah-Kokpaya ". Indeed, such a madrasah existed. “Madrasah Kokbay is a religious educational institution that functioned from 1901 to 1921.
The language of instruction in the madrasah was Arabic and Russian. According to the stories of one of the shakirts (translated from Tatar as a student) of this madrasah of Akhmetbek Murtazauls, in the madrasah of Shakirta they studied the following books of the Islamic world: Tukhmatulmulk, Mukhtasar, Bidan, Sharkh mullah and other recognized books of the Hanafi madhhab.
Kokbai for his shakirts set forth Arabic grammar in poetic form. To teach Russian Shakirts, he specially invited Russian teachers from Semey for this purpose. Later, Kokbai himself taught the basics of the Russian language.
In the period from 1917 to 1920, the number of students in the madrasah decreased. In 1920, Kokbai freed the building of the madrasah for the secular schools of the Soviet Union. Until 1928 it existed as a school.
For the 150th anniversary of the great poet Abay, the building of the Kokbay madrasah was repaired and included in the exposition of the historical and cultural memorial complex of Abay as "the exposition of the Kokbai Zhanatayuly mosque-madrasah."
To date, the funds of the Kokbai Museum have collected unique photographs and written documents about the poet and his shakirts.
Geographic coordinates of the mosque-madrasah of Kokbay Zhanatayev: N48 ° 49'07.28 "E79 ° 25'07.96"
Zhandos Magazbekuly Aubakir. The village of Kokbay.
The photo