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Valley Chindagatui on Altai.

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“Nature is wise. You can learn everywhere and from everything”
Leonardo da Vinci.
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The natural boundary Chindagatuy is in the most east part of the Katon-Karagay Region of East Kazakhstan region. The territory of the natural boundary is located in Katon-Karagay natural national park. The natural boundary is at the height from 1686 to 1768 meters above sea level.
It is one of picturesque and beautiful places of upper courses of the valley of the river Bukhtarma. There are the last in the territory of Kazakhstan settlements of people. In east part on a height there is one of the oldest frontier posts in Kazakhstan which protects our east boundaries.
On the way to side of the Bukhtarminsky lake (Shanginskoye) there is a house of the huntsman of Katon-Karagay national park and further behind the bridge a lodge of the local shepherd. In the neighborhood of the natural boundary Chindagatuy the river Bukhtarma accepts the right inflow Algyzhak-Bulak who follows from the Bukhtarma lake.
Approximately in 1500 meters to the north the river Algyzhak-Bulak receives east left inflow of the river Chindagatuy from Bukhtara. In the south from the natural boundary in the width direction the ridge Southern Altai was stretched, in the southeast the natural boundary adjoin western a slope of Ukok Plateau.
In the northeast of the natural boundary there is one more natural boundary Kustu-Kamyr and in the east on Bukhtarma's right bank the natural boundary Kisilev's Stones. Distance from the mouth of the river Algyzhak-Bulak to border with the Russian Federation in the direction on the northeast 3 kilometers.
Distance from the natural boundary to the Bukhtarma lake (Shanginskoye) of 5 kilometers. Distance from the automobile route Ust-Kamenogorsk - the lake Rakhmanovskoye to the natural boundary Chindagatuy 53 kilometers.
The boundary admission and permission from Katon-Karagay national park is necessary for visit of the natural boundary Chindagatuy.
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.