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Mausoleum of the Emir Burunduk.

Automobile tour on monuments of Samarkand.
"Timur's character is estimated directly opposite to those
who are blinded by his military successes, and those
who resent his cruelties and
total disregard for human life"
Edward Brown.
Tour auto travelers in Central Asia.
Next on the left side is the mausoleum of the Emir Burunduk (80s of the XIV century). The main volume of strong proportions was completed with an octahedral drum of an external dome that did not remain in its facings; ornamental sets of glazed bricks and relief majolica tiles were used.
Amir Burunduk is credited with having been one of Timur’s military leaders. His mausoleum is more modest: the emir himself became rich in military campaigns, but his descendants, apparently, did not dare to build a tomb better than the members of the royal family.
The bulk of the strong proportions are completed with the octahedral drum of a non-preserved external dome; ornamental sets of glazed bricks and relief majolica tiles were used in facing. The ensemble is closed by an upper group of monuments that unite the inner courtyard and upper chartak (c. 1405).
The oldest architectural elements here are the remains of carved beams and consoles near the mosque, as well as a small minaret of the XI - XII centuries.
G. Pugachenkova.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.