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Ancient settlement of Martobe.

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«Biy Sultan and Khalbi know that all three hordes annually gathered for meetings (maslagat) on the hill of Martuba. The subjects of the meetings were questions about where to spend the winter, where to spend the summer, how to achieve peace (buytsek tynchyimiz) and how to fight. But Biy Sultan affirms positively that they did not change the customs (rasm). Until the new meeting of the hordes, the decisions of the last meeting were not violated (buzbeydy). Under Tauke Khan, seven biys gathered, "djeti jargysh", or, more accurately, "djeti jargy", i.e. seven collaborators (ish bittiretugun). Among them were three noble biys, one from each horde: from the Great - Tula, from the Middle - Kazdausty Kazbek, i.e. Kazbek with the voice of a goose (sonorous), from the Small - Aiteke."
Military Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Syr Darya Region, Lieutenant General Nikolai Ivanovich Grodekova. 1893.
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Settlement or hill Martobe is located at an altitude of 739 meters above sea level, 164 meters from Sairam - Karamurt road, 6.3 kilometers east of village of Sairam, 11.1 kilometers west of village of Karamurt, 3.2 kilometers southwest of village of Uiemysh in Sairam district, Turkestan region.
The settlement dates back to the VIIIth - XIIth centuries. It was surveyed by an expedition of the archaeological detachment of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute under the leadership of Nikolai Pavlovich Podushkin in 1978.
During the research, it was established that the hill is a settlement, which was lost due to major destruction associated with human economic activity.
The remaining third of Martobe is the surviving part of the citadel of the settlement. In 2000, archaeological work was carried out in the settlement of Martobe, which established the time of Martobe functioning according to the upper construction horizon of the Ist - IVth centuries.
In the history of the Kazakhs, the hill-fort of Martobe is known as a place that played the role of the steppe parliament. "There are many heights on the Kazakh land, but Martobe is one." The first kurultai was held here, at which the elders of the clans and tribes of the Kazakhs determined the nomad camps, pasture territories, and decided on issues of international relations.
A mild climate, a good view of the surrounding area, and the proximity of such large cities as Tashkent and Turkestan were decisive in choosing the place for the meeting of the Kazakh biys. The consolidation and unification of the Kazakh people after the death of Abylkhair also took place in Martobe.
Tauke Khan placed the seal on the first recorded set of steppe laws, "Zheti zhargy," in this place.
Geographical coordinates of hill (fortified settlement) Martobe: N42°18'21 E69°50'09
D.A. Taleev. "Collection of monuments of the South Kazakhstan region". Architectural and archaeological heritage of the South Kazakhstan region. Within the framework of the regional program "Cultural Heritage".
Love and Dobrota, Turkestan region.
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