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Korgalzhyn nature reserve.

Tours in Koralzhyn reserve.
«A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature»
Henry David Thoreau.
Sights of Korgalzhyn reserve.
Korgalzhyn State Nature Reserve (KoGPZ) is located in the central part of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in geographical coordinates between 68 38' to 69 41' east longitude and from 50 10' to 50 43' north latitude.
The Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve was created in 1968 to preserve unique wetlands that are the habitat of flamingos, Dalmatian pelicans and other birds. The area of the reserve (without the protective zone) currently reaches 258,963 hectares, of which 197,919 hectares are under water.
The length of the protected area from north to south is 60 kilometers, and from west to east 75 kilometers. The reserve is located at the junction of Akmola, Ulytau and Karaganda regions. It is entirely located in the Korgalzhyn district of the Akmola region. Its existing protective zone runs through the Korgalzhyn and Egindykol districts of the Akmola region, through the Nura district and through the lands of the State Land Fund of the Karaganda Region.
The Korgalzhyn reserve is located in the southwestern part of the Tengiz-Kurgaldzhin depression, located in the center of Kazakhstan. Jaeger cordons are located in the villages of Karazhar, Razvedka, Nygyman.
The local fauna, of great interest to ornithologists, includes up to 33 species of birds, 82 of which are listed in the “Red Book” of the world. Among them are the black lark, bustard, demoiselle crane, lapwing, and steppe kestrel.
Here are the northernmost breeding grounds of pink flamingos. The Korgalzhyn State Nature Reserve, according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, belongs to the highest category of specially protected natural areas of republican significance (Chapter 7, Article 34 of the Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories” (Law on PAs) dated July 15, 1997).
It is in state ownership (Chapter 1, Article 5 of the Law on Protected Natural Areas) and is subordinate to the state executive body - the Forestry and Hunting Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is located in the city of Astana.
The reserve has the status of an environmental institution with a reserved regime of protection and is intended for conservation and study in its natural state and development of natural processes, typical and unique ecological systems, biological diversity and genetic fund of flora and fauna (Chapter 7, Article 34 of the Law on Protected Natural Areas).
It is of particular importance for nature conservation, science and environmental education. The lands are provided to the reserve for indefinite use. They are not leased and cannot be used for the exploitation of natural resources.
Land plots and objects of the state natural reserve fund located on them are not subject to privatization (Chapter 1, Article 5 of the Law on Protected Areas). You can get to the reserve only by car. The nearest and only large city is the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, with an international airport, located 170 kilometers northeast of the reserve.
The city of Astana and the village of Korgalzhyn are connected by a 130-kilometer-long asphalt road, then from Korgalzhyn to the reserve there is a 40-kilometer-long embankment road. Both roads have the status of republican roads.
There is a regular bus service between the village of Korgalzhyn and the city of Astana. Further movement to the reserve is possible either by personal or official transport. In winter, due to storms and snow drifts, traffic on both roads is suspended for a short time.
In addition, in spring and autumn, during heavy and prolonged rainfall, the embankment road from the village of Korgalzhyn to the reserve becomes muddy and becomes impassable. Depending on the speed of travel, you can get from Astana to the Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve in 2.5 - 3.5 hours.
Address of the directorate of the Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve: Korgalzhyn village, st. M. Rakhimzhan 20.
Geographic coordinates of Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve: N50°30'15 E69°20'29
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.