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Aschioyl River.

Jeep tours in Kazakhstan.
“So, to expel this fear from the soul and dispel the darkness
It should not be the sun's rays and not the light of daylight,
But nature itself is its appearance and internal structure.
Here we take the position as the basis:
Out of nothing, nothing is created by divine will.
So death is nothing to us and doesn’t matter,
If nature must certainly be mortal”
Trips to the Aktobe region.
The Aschioyl River is a tributary of the Oyyl, has a width of 10 to 20 meters, a depth of 3 meters, and is located in the Aktobe region. The bottom is sandy and viscous. The banks are steep. At low water, the river is a disconnected stretch of 100 - 400 meters long, 10 - 25 meters wide, and a flow rate of 0.1 meters per second.
Rivers freeze at the end of November, open at the end of March; the thickness of the ice by the end of winter reaches 1.0 meters. Spring flood on the rivers occurs in early April and lasts 15 - 20 days (the water level rises by 1 - 2 meters, then there is a sharp shallowing of the rivers).
The low water set in early June: the Sagyz river is very shallow, and in the dry years it dries up, decaying into separate reaches.
A.G. Isachenko, A.A. Shlyarnikov. The nature of the world. “Landscapes”, Moscow, “Thought”,1989.
Alexander Petrov.