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Museum of arts in Ashgabad.

Excursion in museum of arts in Ashgabad.
"The museum contains works of both well-known and apprentice local painters, graphic artists, sculptors, ceramics master and jeweller. The collection provides all sorts of genres, styles and trends of contemporary fine and applied arts"
City tour on Ashgabad.
Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan named after Saparmyrat Turkmenbashi the Great museum exposition is presented in 11 halls. The works of our contemporaries – Turkmen artists having created in the years of independence are placed in one of the halls.
You will get acquainted with monumental works of Yarly Bayramov, Baba Ovganov, Chary Amangeldyyev and others. The pictures of distinctive artists Byashim Nurali, Olga Mizgiryova, Evgeniya Adamova, Yuliya Daneshvar and the works of many other famous artists of Turkmenistan whose creative works well-known to amateurs of Turkmen art have been exhibited in the hall with works of an older art masters generation.
The museum contains works of both well-known and apprentice local painters, graphic artists, sculptors, ceramics master and jeweller. The collection provides all sorts of genres, styles and trends of contemporary fine and applied arts.
In the museum are also presented national products of arts and crafts, samples of traditional national costumes, household items of the XIX - XXth centuries. Here are kept the best examples of female terracotta figurines and unique stone sculptures of animals, as well as stone vessels with relief figures and ornamental frescos, which decorating the houses and shrines of the ancient inhabitants of Yylgynly, recovered by the hands of restorers of St Petersburg.
Western Europe painting is presented by picture collection of Italian, Flemish, English, Spanish artists of XIV - XIX centuries and added by West-European sculptures, ancient porcelain products.
The unique archeological finds of excavations of historical sites on the territory of Turkmenistan, such as Old Nissa, Altyndepe, Margush, medieval settlement of Anau are introduced in the hall of ancient art.
One of basic themes of Museum is presentation of decorative and applied arts of Eastern countries (China, Tibet, Japan, India, and Iran). Eastern production of bone, stone, wood, also porcelain and hardware are widely popular in the world.
Constructed according to the latest achievements in science and techniques, Art Museum is standing in one line of the most modern, advanced and massive museums of the world.
(Navoi str.), 88 Ashgabat. Information desk: 92-72-25, Fax: 92-72-44. Management working hours from 9:00 a.m. till 18:00 p.m. Break time from 13:00 p.m. till 14:00 p.m. Days off: Saturday and Sunday (Museum is closed for visiting on Tuesday). Bus: 8, 13, 23, 42, 58