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The obligation about return a vehicle in the preferential order.
Travel by machines across Kazakhstan.
The appendix 2
To the order of Chairman
Agencies of the customs control
Republics Kazakhstan
From May, 12th, 2003 №186
«About the statement of the form
Obligations about export/import vehicles»
The obligation _________________
About return export of a vehicle in the preferential order
The name of customs body
Factory mark _____________________________________________________________
Number of the engine __________________________________________________________________
Number the chassis _________________________________________________________________
State number ____________________________________________________________
Surname, name
The passport, number_____________________________________________
Date of issue, date of expiry, by whom it is given out
The address of a place ______________________________________________________________
Date of return export (import) ________________________________________________________
«______» ___________________ 20____ year Signature ___________________
Marks of customs:
The signature of the inspector _________________________________________________________
It is assured by a personal number press
«_____» ____________________ 20_____
The vehicle cannot be alienated, be transferred in using or the order to other persons without its premise under the certain customs mode.
The obligation certified properly, is the document containing data on the facts, having legal value. The message of incorrect data in the obligation, and also to the official of customs body or infringement of terms of return export attracts the responsibility according to the legislation of Republic Kazakhstan.