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Adventure tour from Kyrgyzstan to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Tours and travel to mountains of Kyrgyzstan.
“I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move”
Robert Louis Stevenson «Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes».
Distance of the route: 7 173 km.
Season: From May, 20th till October, 1st.
The best time for an excursion: July - September
Duration of the tour: 29 days, 28 nights.
Detailed Сentral Asian tour day by day across Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan:
Day 1. Bishkek (30 km).
Arrival in the town of Bishkek, meeting at airport "Manas", transfer to hotel, accommodation to hotel, rest. Breakfast. After breakfast excursion on town, visiting of the main area of the country - Ala-Too. It is Ala-Too in translation from the Kirghiz language means «Snow mountains», symbolizes the nature of the country which two thirds make mountains.
The area "Ala-Too" - the most popular place in city where are spent national open air celebrations, holidays, meetings and other actions. In the center of the area the 10-meter bronze sculptural monument to the hero of national epos Manas, monument to the Kirghiz writer Chingizu Aitmatov and black-and-white monument in memory of events 2002 and 2010 towers.
On the area flutters 45 meter flag of Kyrgyzstan. Visiting State museum of History of Kyrgyzstan, Nikolskii churches, mosaic monument «Friendship of people» established in 1964, visiting of monument of Great Domestic war on the area the "Victory", established in 1985, by 40-th anniversary of victory over the Second world war.
Visiting of the Osh market, visiting of museum of Michael Frunze. Lunch at local restaurant. After lunch the trip to gorge Is Ala-Archa (38 km). Walk in vicinities of natural park Is Ala-Archa. Returning to Bishkek, dinner and overnight.
Day 2. Bishkek - settlement Bulan-Sogotu (273 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Bishkek - settlement Tokmok - architectural complex Tower Burana (72 km). On site from Bishkek up to city of settlement Bulan-Sogotu in greater settlements there are gasoline stations. Arrival on an architectural and historical complex the Tower of Burana, excursion in museum of complex, walk on museum open-air where are plenty balbals, rise on tower of Burana, panorama of vicinities of an architectural complex.
The further transfer: tower of Burana - town of Balykchi - lake Issyk Kul - settlement Bulan-Sogotu (201 km). Arrival in settlement Bulan-Sogotu, transfer to hotel "Issyk Kul", accommodation in the hotel. Walking to northern coast of lake Issyk Kul, returning in hotel, overnight.
3 Day. Bulan-Sogoru - town of Karakol (120 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Bulan-Sogotu - settlement Zhanaryk - quay Przhevalsk (108 km). On site from settlement Bulan-Sogotu up to the town of Karakol in greater settlements there are gasoline stations. Arrival in museum Przhevalskii, visiting of museum Przhevalskii.
The museum is in 12 kilometers on the north from the town of Karakol, here we examine tomb, monument to the great traveller of XIX century Nikolay Przhevalskii. The further transfer: museum Przhevalskii - town of Karakol (12 km). Arrival in Karakol, transfer to hotel, accommodation. Excursion on city, visiting Dungan of mosque, Troisk wooden church, visiting of local market. Overnight.
4 Day. Karakol - lake Song-Kul of 3106 meters above sea level (414 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Karakol - southern coast of lake Issyk Kul - settlement Kochkorka (284 km). The settlement Ottuk will be the last at southern coast of lake Issyk Kul, thus we see all southern part of lake Issyk Kul extent hardly more than 200 kilometers. After we pass lake Issyk Kul ahead of us large water basin Issyk-Kul of hollow - Orto-Tokoi expects.
On site from the city of Karakol up to settlement Kochkorka in greater settlements there are gasoline stations. Arrival in settlement Kochkora, visiting of craft workshop in settlement, walk on local market.
The further transfer: Kochkorka - pass Kalmak-Ashuu of 3446 meters above sea level - lake Song-Kul of 3106 meters above sea level (130 km). Arrival on lake Song-Kul, accommodation in yurst camp, overnight.
5 Day. Lake Song-Kul.
Breakfast. High-mountainous jailoo in vicinities of lake Song-Kul for the Kirghiz shepherd the best. Here for the summer drive the herds of horses, herds cattle and flocks of sheeps many shepherds Naryn of area. Foot walk on coast of high-mountainous lake, trip to stones Manas (Tash-Tulgasy), visiting yurts the Kirghiz shepherds, acquaintance to nomadic life of the Kirghiz shepherds. Lunch. In second half of day walk on horses in vicinity of mountains towering above lake Song-Kul, photographing of panorama on lake. Returning in yurts camp, dinner and overnight.
6 Day. Lake Song-Kul - settlement Chaek - Susamyr valley - Toktogul water basin - town Karakul (470 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Song-Kul - Toktogul water basin - town Karakul (284 km). After settlement Susamyr our way goes in Susamyr valley which is extended in latitudinal direction from the West on the east and there is between northern spurs of ridge Kirghiz Ala-Too and southern spurs of ridge Talass Ala Too. Susamyr valley also serves as good place for years pasturege cattle which is driven on high-mountainous jailoo by local shepherds.
These are hundreds hectares of the Alpine meadows with various vegetation and juicy pastures. The most important employment of local residents leading nomadic way of life in years months in Susamyr to valley - own preparation from horse milk: koumiss, kurt (dried cottage cheese) and airan (kefir).
After Susamyr valleys we pass huge Toktogul water basin which serves as stocks of fresh water and power resources in the south Kyrgyzstan. Arrival in town Karakul, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
Day 7. Karakul - settlement Tash-Kumyr - town of Uzgen - town of Osh (284 km).
Breakfast. After town Karakul fur our way lays on southeast lengthways Kurpsai water basins on which is under construction Kurpsai Hydroelectric Power Station, we pass the big settlement powermans Tash-Kumyr on the south from which the road on lake Sary-Chelek lays.
After settlement Tash-kumyr following historical sight - town of Uzgen, one of the oldest cities of the south of Kyrgyzstan numbering more than two thousand-year history. Arrival in the town of Osh, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight in hotel.
Day 8. Town of Osh.
Breakfast. Excursion on the town of Osh, visiting: unique natural-historical the sight of Kyrgyzstan, which survey includes mountains Suleiman-Too: Osh settlement of an epoch of bronze, to this settlement about 3 thousand years, about it archeological finds testify. Visiting of cave complex. Expositions of cave complex are devoted to religious traditions since ancient times: buddhism, shamanism, christianity and an islam.
Visiting of archeological-cultural monuments in vicinities of mountain Sulaiman-Too, at first top Sulaiman-Too is unique single-chamber mosque of the Fergana architecturally-building school XVI - XVII c.с., the mosque of prophet Suleimana (Solomon), mosque is located at height more than 150 meters on a sea level.
Visiting of historical museum «Great Silk way», premise of museum shares on two halls. In the first hall an exposition, devoted to flora and fauna of Kyrgyzstan. In the second hall the exposition is devoted to history of Kyrgyzstan, since the most ancient times till now.
Visiting of mausoleum Asaf Ibn Burkhiay of XVIII century which is in historical city centre Osh, near to the museum complex Sulaiman-Too located at mountain Sulaiman-Too. Visiting madrasah Alymbeka Paravanchi Datka, madrasah Mukhamedboi Turki Hal Muratbaeva these madrasah are unique samples of the Fergana architecturally-building school. After lunch continuation of excursion on town, visiting of mosque Sadykbay, mosques Shakhid-Tepa, mosque Ravvat Abdullakhana of XVIII century, medieval bath.
Visiting located in the central square of town, unique monument in the town of Osh - Russian orthodox architecture of the beginning of XX century - Mikhail-Arkhangelsk church. Visiting of the Osh market. Sightseeing tour on city. Returning in hotel, dinner in eating house, overnight.
Day 9. Osh - check point «Dostuk»\«Dustlik» - town of Andizhan - town of Kokand (180 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: town of Osh - check point «Dostuk» (4 km). At once behind city stop on the Kirghiz check point «Dostuk», passage of formalities of boundary and customs service of Kyrgyzstan. The Kirghiz check point is followed with the Uzbek check point "Dustlik», passage of formalities of boundary and customs service of Uzbekistan.
After the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border our way lays across Fergana valley through the town of Andizhan and settlement Yaazyavan, thus, we pass the town of Fergana. Arrival in the town of Kokand, transfer to hotel, accommodation.
Excursion across Kokand, visiting of museum of the literature and art of name Gafura Gulyama. In Kokand, in one of ancient cities of Uzbekistan, ancient monuments were kept. In old areas of town fortifications in XVIII century on place of fortress the Eski-Kurgan have been erected.
Visiting of the main sight of Kokand majestic palace of Khudoyar-Khana (1871), madrasah Mederesei-Mir (XVIII century), architectural ensemble Dakhmai-Shakhon (1825), the house of museum Khamza, visiting of one of modern craft workshops of town. Overnight.
Day 10. Kokand - settlement Hanabad - pass Kamchik of 2268 meters above sea level - town of Angren - city of Tashkent (240 km).
Breakfast. After Kokand the road begins rise on pass Kamchik of 2268 meters above sea level. We overcome the highest point of pass in tunnel, after descent from pass at the left we see Angren water basin stretched with northeast on southwest. On site from the town of Kokand up to the city of Tashkent in greater settlements there are gasoline stations. Arrival in Tashkent, transfer to hotel, accommodation. Excursion on city, after lunch trip to an old part of Tashkent to madrasah Kukeldash, is the first ancient monument which we see in capital of Uzbekistan.
Constructed in the middle of XVI century one of governors Kukeldash, during Soviet time madrasah it was used, as warehouse, then museum. Visiting of area Khat Imam is sacred heart of Tashkent - consisting of madrasah the Barrack of Khan, mosque Tillya Sheikh, mausoleum Kafal Shashi and the mausoleum the Barrack of Khan of descendant Tamerlana in XVI century the Barrack Khan was the governor of this area at shaibanids. It is an administrative centre of Mufti of Uzbekistan, the center of an official Islam in Republic.
Mosque Tillya the Sheikh, conctruct at that time, as madrasah the Barrack Khan, is used for Friday service. In mosque there is huge Koran the Osmanli turk who is one of the oldest Korans. Mausoleum Kafal Shashi is tomb of the local doctor, the philosopher and the poet of the Islam which lived with 904 for 979 years. Visiting of the Applied Art Museum - museum is used for carrying out of art exhibitions. Visiting of market Chorsu - the biggest market of city. Returning in hotel, dinner, overnight.
Day 11. Tashkent - settlement Syr-Darya - town of Dzhizak - town of Samarkand (283 km).
Breakfast. In settlement Bulungar in front of Samarkand on road the improvised market is arranged, here at road sell apples, honey and dried cottage cheese - kurt, here it is possible to make interesting exotic photos. Arrival in Samarkand, transfer to hotel, accommodation. Walk on evening city. Overnight in hotel.
Day 12. Samarkand.
Breakfast. After breakfast in hotel the beginning of town tour. Visiting of complex Gur Emir (in translation from the Tadjik language - the Tomb of emir) - Timur's mausoleums and Timurids (XV century). Visiting of the area Registan (the Sandy place) - ensemble majestic madrasah (XV - XVII c.c.), The biggest in the Central Asia and one of the most grandiose and magnificent works of ancient builders. Lunch in the national, private house.
After lunch visiting of complex Shakhi-Zinda (the Living King) - cemetery of the Samarkand governors and the nobility. The name leaves in depth of centuries and is connected with tomb Ibn Abby Kusam which is being inside of cemetery which was the nephew of prophet Mahammeda. Visiting of Observatory Ulugbek (1420) - here we see the rests of huge astrolabe (30 meters in height) by means of which the astronomer observed position of stars.
We visit, also, the rests of three-tier observatory and ruins of ancient site of ancient settlement Afrisiyab, museum with fragments of frescos of the seventh century. Returning in hotel, dinner and overnight.
Day 13. Samarkand - pass Tahtakarach of 1670 meters above sea level - town of Shakhrizabs - town Karshi - town of Bukhara (360 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Samarkand - pass Tahtakarach (54 km). After Samarkand our way lays on the south, we pass numerous kishlaks which have settled down on the right and to the left of road, small Karatepa water basin located in vicinities of settlement Karatepa.
It is gradually dear goes deep into spurs of Hissar mountains to pass Tahtakarach. Short stop on pass Thatakarach, numerous dealers who sell dried fruit, honey, fruit, own hand-made articles and souvenirs, photographing of vicinities of pass here have settled down. On site from the town of Samarkand up to the town of Bukhara in greater settlements there are gasoline stations.
The further transfer: pass Tahtakarach - town of Shahrizabs (31 km). Arrival in Shakhrizabs. Short excursion on town: visiting of palace the Ak-Sarai - one of the most grandiose monuments of epoch Timurids of the end XIV - the beginnings of XV centuries, constructed in the town of Keshe (Shakhrizabs). In translation with Uzbek "Ak-Sari" - light, majestic, the name symbolizes the cloudless light future of people and greatness Sakhibkirana. «The white palace» was under construction during with 1380 for 1404.
Visiting of architectural ensemble Dorus-Saodat (Dorussiadat), in translation means «The Receptacle of authority». This memorial complex has been intended for tsarevitch Dzhahongira, later it began to be family crypt of dynasty Timurids. Visiting of funeral ensemble Dorut-Tillyavat, that in translation means «The Place of reflections», the ensemble the end XIV is dated and by the beginning of XV century is located in territory of an old cemetery in southeast part of town. After the termination of excursion, the further
Transfer: Shakhrizabs - Karshi - Bukhara (275). Arrival in Bukhara. Transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
Day 14. Bukhara.
Breakfast. After breakfast the beginning of excursion on town: visiting of complex Poi Kalya with minaret Kalyan, madrasah Miri Arab and mosque Kalon Dzhumi, three dome markets Taki Zargaron (1570) - jeweller market, Taki Tellak Furushon - market of headdresses and Taki Sarrafon - market of exchange, mosque Magok-I-Attari, ensemble Lyabi Khouse consisting from Madrasah Nadir Divanbegi, Khanaka Nadir Divanbegi and Madrasah Kukeldash. Lunch at local eating house. Dinner with folklore concert in madrasah Nadir Divanbegi, overnight.
Day 15. Bukhara - settlement Gazli - town of Beruni - town of Urgench - town of Khiva (480 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Bukhara - Uch-Uchak (275 km). After Bukhara our way lays on northwest through the most extensive desert of Uzbekistan - Kara-Kum. Stop for lunch in district Uch-Uchak, here to the right of road the Uzbek kishlak in desert was stretched. In the improvised cafe local cooks fry fish who can be tried.
The further transfer: district Uch-Uchak - Khiva (205 km). On site from the town of Bukhara up to the town of Khiva in greater settlements there are gasoline stations. After the town of Beruni we pass the new bridge through the river Amu-Darya. Arrival in Khiva, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
Day 16. Khiva.
Breakfast. The beginning of excursion in Khiva, visiting of minaret Ichan Kala (internal town). Visiting madrasah Mukhamed Amin Khan (1852 - 1855), Klata Minor (Short minaret), Kunya Arka (The Old Fortress) - the residence of Khivan governors, mausoleum Pakhlavan Makhmuda, madrasah and the Minaret Islam Khodzha (1908), Dzhuma mosques (Friday mosque) (1788), Tosh Khovli (The Stone house), madrasah Ai Kuli Khan (1835), market and caravansarai.
Lunch at local eating house. After walking tour in Khiva, transfer to desert Karakum vicinities of Khiva. Walk on camels and donkeys in sand of Kara-Kum. After walk dinner from local national Khivan dishes in yurts. Folklore concert of the Uzbek folk music, song, dances open-air, under stars of the Milky Way. Returning to Khiva, overnight.
Day 17. Khiva - Urgench - town of Beruni - site of ancient settlement Toprak kala - site of ancient settlement Kyzyl kala - fortress Kzyl kala - settlement Kyzyl kala - necropolis Sultan Uvais - site of ancient settlement Dzhanpyk kala - dakhma Chilpyk - town of Nukus - (260 km.)
Breakfast. After breakfast transfer: Khiva - site of ancient settlement Toprak kala (93 km). Arrival on site of ancient settlement Toprak kala, walk in vicinities, photographing. Site of ancient settlement Toprak kala borrows the area 500 х 350 meters. The site of ancient settlement is surrounded by the fortifications reaching height 8 - 9 meters. One of quarters has been borrowed by the temple buildings which are traditionally under construction during all history of existence of town.
In other building of site of ancient settlement the horns of the ram decorated by bronze gilt bracelets - argali around of which on floor numerous gifts laid, glass vessels, ornaments, fragments of alabaster sculptures and numerous wall lists in the form of dancing fantastic masks, in hall of soldiers - figures of soldiers, hall of tsars - the sculptural image from clay of figure of tsars are found out.
The further transfer: site of ancient settlement Toprak kala - Kzyl kala site of ancient settlement (6 km). Arrival on fortress Kzyl kala, walk in vicinities, photographing. Fortress Kzyl kala is on plain and has the form of square in the sizes 65 х 63 meters.
The external wall has been cut by two circles of loopholes. Kzyl kala it has been erected as defensive fortress and entered in Khorezm the strengthenings, created by the state for protection of northeast boundary of antique Khoresm. Simultaneously the fortress served as the center agricultural area and the center caravan track through mountain ridge Sultanuizdag.
The further transfer: fortress Kyz kala - necropolis Sultan Uvays (22 km). Arrival on necropolis Sultan Uvais, walk on an ancient necropolis, photographing. Sultan Uvais, on legend, was the friend and the colleague of prophet Mohammed and has arrived to the Central Asia for distribution of an islam.
The further transfer: necropolis Sultan Uvais - site of ancient settlement Dzhanpyk kala (35 km). Arrival on site of ancient settlement Dzhanpyk kala, walk in vicinities of an ancient site of ancient settlement, photographing. The site of ancient settlement has complex configuration. In east part the citadel was kept. Walls are decorated by columns and tops come to an end with arches.
The further transfer: site of ancient settlement Dzhanpyk kala - Dakhma Chilpyk (52 km). Arrival to tower Chilpyk, walk and an ascention on tower, photographing. By way of construction Chilpyk it is located on the top conic hill in height 35 - 40 meters. It has the form of circle in diameter nearby 65 - 79 meters, walls reach height of 15 meters. In II - IV centuries was will erect as dakhma, in IX - XI centuries it was used by local residents as an alarm tower.
Transfer: Dakhma Chilpyk - town of Nukus (52 km. Arrival in the town of Nukus, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
Day 18. Nukus - settlement Vodnik - settlement Hodzheili - settlement Hatep - station Shumanai - settlement Ashamaily - town of Kungrad - settlement Shagyrlyk - settlement Karakaltyk - settlement Muinak (201 km).
Breakfast. After breakfast transfer: Nukus - Muinak (201 km). Arrival in Muinak, visiting of local museum devoted to Aral sea and local monument - to the ship "Violent" the Aral flotilla set up on pedestal at rural settlement office. Transfer on the ship breaking yard of the Uzbek Aral flotilla at memorable obelisk «Tragedy of Aral sea», at former coast of Aral sea. A trip to settlement Uchsai (16 km). Walk on settlement. Returning to Nukus (201 km). Transfer to hotel, accommodation, lodging for the night in hotel.
Days 19. Nukus - settlement Halkabad - settlement Shakurlak - town of Uchkuduk (427 km).
Breakfast. After breakfast departure Nukus. Transfer: Nukus - natural boundary Karasor (140 km). Arrival in natural boundary Karasor, walk in vicinities, photographing of the dried up lake with thick layer of salt. The further transfer: Natural boundary Karasor - saline soil Karasor (25 km). Arrival on saline soil Karasor, walk in vicinities, photographing of saline soil Karasor.
The further transfer: saline soil Karasor - town of Uchkuduk (265 km). Arrival in the town of Uchkuduk, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
Day 20. Uchkuduk - town of Navoi - valley Sarmysh - town of Nurata (433 km).
Breakfast. Arrival in natural boundary Sarmysh, descent in gorge. Survey of galleries cave painting. One of the most ancient figures have been created in the Stone Age. Here the primitive hunters surrounded by wild and predatory animals are represented. Late petroglyphs are executed by ritual and household stages from life of ancient people.
Pets are represented, it is lot of images of dogs, sheeps and camels. That on cave painting it is possible to distinguish camels is unique. Modern Scythian petroglyphs represent the armed soldiers, among cave painting borrow images of space newcomers - human figures in survival suits.
The further transfer: natural boundary Sarmysh - settlement Tashrabat - town of Nurata (90 km). Arrival in Nurata to the guest house, accommodation, overnight.
Day 21. Nurata - settlement Uchtepa - town of Syr-Darya - settlement Yalama - Tashkent (435 km).
Breakfast. We by pass mountains Nurata with sulfur and thus we come nearer to the town of Dzhizak. Arrival in Tashkent, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
Day 22. Tashkent - check point «Gysht Kuprik»\«Zhibek Zholy» - town of Shymkent - town of Turkestan (285 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Tashkent - check point «Gysht Kuprik» (25 km). Passage of formalities of the Uzbek and Kazakhstan customs and boundary service. Meeting on check point «Zhibek Zholy». Registration of insurance policies on vehicles.
Transfer: check point «Zhibek Zholy» - town of Turkestan (260 km). Arrival in Turkestan, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
Day 23. Turkestan - site of ancient settlement Sauran - site of ancient settlement Sygnak - town of Kyzylorda (312 km).
Breakfast. Visiting historical and architecturally complex of Akhmed Yasavi: gallery of stone status, cultural-historical museum, historical (cultural sanctuary) museum Azaret-Sultan, the Gates (Darvaza) XIX c., Esimkhan mausoleum (XVI c.), Rabii Sultan Begim mausoleum (XV c.), Akhmed Yassavi mausoleum (XII-XIV c.c.), Zhuma mosque (1878), underground mosque Khilovat (XII-XV c.c.), oriental bathhouses (XV-XVI c.c.). Lunch in the local eating house.
Transfer: Turkestan - site of ancient settlement Sauran (51 km). From the left party from highway, behind the railway ancient fortress Sauran (XII - XVI с.с.) In those days Sauran it is known, as strategic and trading city on river Syr-Darya. In XII century Sauran became capital of the White Horde. In XIV century Timur has transformed town into military fortress (diameter 550 - 800 meters) and its location on the Silk way promoted prosperity.
The most interesting in this town were - underground channels of water. Visiting of site of ancient settlement Sauran. Transfer: site of ancient settlement Sauran - village Zhanakorga (68 km), visiting of regional historical museum. In museum there is rich exposition ancient female ornaments, musical instruments, the governmental military awards of times of Soviet Union. Survey of monument by the victim in Great Domestic war.
Transfer: village Zhanakorgan - site of ancient settlement Sygnak (42 km). In historical books about Sygnak for the first time it is mentioned in X century though under archeologic documents the city has arisen for two centuries earlier. Survey of restored mosque-madrasah (XIII - XVII с.с.), Walk on archeological excavations of site of ancient settlement.
Transfer: site of ancient settlement Sygnak - village Shieli (21 km). Visiting of regional history-study of local museum, survey of exposition Ibray Zhukhaev, well-known rice-grower Kazakhstan, expositions of national musical instruments.
After the ending of excursion in museum and transfer in Kyzylorda (130 km). Arrival in Kyzylorda, transfer in hotel, accommodation. Dinner at eating house of hotel, overnight.
Day 24. Kyzylorda.
Breakfaast. The beginning of excursion on town Kyzylorda, visiting of regional history-study of local lore museum of town, museum has been formed in 1939, visiting of railway museum. Visiting of memorial Korkyt-Ata. According to records of scientific wise men of an antiquity, the general for all Turkic people the thinker, the orator, musician Korkyt was born also veins in VII - IX centuries in the country Bayat, in the town of Zhankent.
Visiting of the main area of town «Tagzym», landside area and railway station on which monument Gani Muratbaev - to the public figure and the leader of youth movement of Kazakhstan is located. Visiting of the oldest monument of architecture - mosques «Aitbaya», constructed in 1878 at financial support of merchant Aitbaya Baltabaev.
Visiting of the Holly-Kazan orthodox temple opened in 1896. Visiting of monument Syr-Arna and quay of the river Syrdaryi stella in the height of 40 meters representing the Kazakh girl dancing in the national order.
Visiting of monument devoted to Great Domestic war. Visiting of the main area of town, here it is located Kyzylorda the state university, visiting of monument - to three writers Kyzylorda of area Zeinulla Shakurov, Kalrai Mukhamedzhanov and Abdilda Tazhibaev, located near to the educational case Kyzykorda state university, made of concrete. Sightseeing tour on town. Returning in hotel, dinner in eating house, overnight.
Day 25. Kyzylorda - memorial Korkyt-Ata - town of Baikonur - town of Aralsk (450 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Kyzylorda - memorial complex Korkyt-Ata (168 km). It is the architectural complex, devoted to the Kazakh thinker, the philosopher, the storyteller (VII - X с.с.) to the founder of Kazakh music Korkyt-Ata. Excursion in museum and memorial complex Korkyt-Ata.
The further transfer in Aralsk (282 km). Arrival in Aralsk, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
Day 26. Aralsk - settlement Karabutak - town of Hromtau - town of Aktobe (607 km).
Breakfast. This day will be remembered for participants of round by that on this huge distance between the Aral m the town of Aktobe we see only four settlements, greatest of which will be the town of Hromtau. Arrival in Aktobe, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
Day 27. Aktobe.
Breakfast. Excursion on Aktobe: visiting of geological museum (the stone fund from 40 thousand samples of the ground of the Western Kazakhstan here is stored and studied, the natural minerals presented by samples and surprising stone creations of the nature of our region), visit to historical museum, town central area, the main mosque of the town of Nur-Gasyr, mosque Nurdaulet, visiting Saint Mikhailovskiy orthodox church, historical museum, town park of name of Nursultan Nazarbaev, avenue of heroes and memorial Eternal fire of Great Domestic war, memorial complex Aliy Moldagulova, walk on parkway of name Abay. Sightseeing tour on town. Returning in hotel, dinner in eating house, overnight.
Day 28. Aktobe - settlement Taldysai - settlement Kobda - settlement Zhympity - settlement New Life - town of Uralsk (470 km).
Breakfast. On this site of way we see only two greater settlements. Arrival in Uralsk, transfer to hotel, accommodation, overnight.
Day 29. Uralsk - settlement Taskala - check point "Taskala" «Ozinki» (115 km).
Breakfast. Arrival on check point "Taskala", passage of formalities of boundary and customs service on the Kazakhstan part of border. Transfer on check point «Ozinki». Passage of formalities of boundary and customs service on the Russian part of border. The further transfer to Saratov.
Author program of Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - from the sanction of the author
Alexander Petrov