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Ak suek.

Cultural tours in Kazakhstan.
“The Kazakh Khanate consisted of the highest class of the social hierarchy - ak-suyek (“white bone”)”
“The white bone is a sign of happiness, the key, fly to the moon, to the white snowy peaks! Resourceful and happy is the one who finds you in a moment!
Look for a bone - you will find happiness soon! And the one who is faster and more dexterous will find it!”
National games in Kazakhstan.
Ak suyek is a Kazakh folk game, especially popular among young people. It is a kind of sport, a competition that requires great dexterity and the ability to navigate the area well. It is held on a clear moonlit night on a natural site. The goal of the game is to return the ak suyek (dice) to the starting line as quickly as possible, which is thrown by the chosen leader of the competition.
Participants of both teams should not see in which direction the die is thrown. The one who finds the attack is actively assisted by his teammates, and members of the opposite group try to confuse and distract the enemy. “Ak suek” (white bone) is an entertaining youth game, which was carried out in moon night with participation of youth from neighboring aul.
White bone is used as a tool, so the game has such name. Participants form two groups with their leaders and representative of one of them in accordance with a lot throws the bone as far as possible. The others at this moment turn away. Then according to alarm, everyone go to seek “ak suek”.
The man, having found the bone first imperceptibly informs his group and using them as a cover tries to get an initial position. If he safely reaches the place, representatives of the defeated team entertain winners, more often by song. During big holidays and celebrations the winners in fighting, horseracing and “akyns” (singers) are presented with “bayga”.
The level of the holiday or celebration can be determined according to “bayga” size. The most important “bayga” is designated to main fighter or fast horse. Especially during races, the most quantity of “bayga”, cattle and property is appointed.
“Bayga” is presented with the first horse at the amount of 10, 15, 20 coins. The next one gets 75 coins, then 50 coins and 25 coins. So the amount is decreased. The winners of horseracing do not take away the reward.
This is custom of generosity and courage.
Therefore, the basic part of “bayga” is given to dead men, “aksakals” (old men). The other part is allocated between friends. The fighters get big “bayga” as well. They are presented with camels, covered by carpets, “akyns” (singers) are presented with “chapan” (hat) and horses.
It is known, that the commemoration is arranged in honor of the oldest in clan. Many people till 15000 men were gathered in spite of their class. One eyewitness told: “Traveling hundred miles for good “toy” (holiday) doesn’t mean anything.
Treating and pleasure compensate everything”.
Celebration was lasted from 3 till 7 days depending on material state of the organizers. Various games, competitions were carried out every day. The last day was ended by great horseracing as a glory of commemoration.
"The Life and culture of Kazakh people" Kenzheahmetuly S. Almatykitap, 2006. From the book “Kazakh traditional culture in the collections of Kunstkamera”. Almaty. 2008
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.