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Akdagan - mountains Kugitang.

Walks on passes in Mountains Kugitangtau.
“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn”
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Walk from valley Hodzhapil on pass Akdagan.
On the western slope of Kugitang about the pass Akdagan, the name of the pass means "The white pass" to you will tell a legend and will show the place where there was hell. According to a legend, many years back near Akdagan pass on the Earth's surface escaped hell fires, all area was in elements verses, and people sinners burned down on fire.
Only one Saint of Hodzhalil-at closed gate and by means of the elephants dug the underground channel from Kugitang-Darya, started up water in hell gate. Water completely filled in this place, instead of gate there was a huge failure with the lake at the bottom.
In this failure among huge blocks of blue plaster the river slowly flows. If to go up an underground stream, overcoming blockages of stones, steep slopes and narrow, cracks, it is possible to promote on 350 meters.
The dark gaping crack will block a further way. The first tens of meters down the stream can go on dry "coast". Same blockages and taluses. Some blocks threateningly move under legs. Further pass is narrowed.
Steep dark walls go to water which temperature is favorable - 19 degrees. When you go deep on a current on 200 meters, the river begins to be divided into small streams. All of them disappear in the cracks and cracks inaccessible to the person.
Further the Light hall opens. From above it is dazzling "window" outside shines, lighting the big area of a cavity. Through 100 meters the cave is closed - the river disappears in the unknown direction. In line with Kugitang-Darya found later the underground river which consumption of water was one liter a second.
At inspection of a grotto the narrow cave which brings to brightly lit surface was found. Here among plaster and a red peschk there is absolutely black layer of breed consisting of small pieces of coal which usually remain after the burned-down fire.
The method of geomorphological interpretation succeeded to reveal big (about 1 the territory where there is a coal layer. Its power fluctuated from one meter to 2 - 3 cm. It was located over plaster top Yura (140 million years ago) an age neogeone, deposits, formed about 10 million years ago.
On the basis of stratigraphy situation, with an admissible accuracy time of accumulation of layer of the burned-down coal - was defined 15 million years ago. At this time the ridge Kugitang which rose from a sea bottom, was yet not the big ridge.
Its water separate part rose by 1000 meters, now it rises 3000 meters above sea level. Slopes of a height were covered with the dense wood vegetation presented by coniferous and seed breeds. In one of days the wood was filled with a flame.
The fire captured the considerable territory and for a long time dominated in it. Ashes then were washed away by a surface water and laid in the lowered places of the Kugitang intermountain hollow. During the subsequent geological eras coal layer was blocked by later deposits and preserved.
The underground river in bared a layer of the burned-down wood, and thanks to it, we know about the catastrophic natural disaster which happened in far times now.
"Religious and spiritual monuments to Central Asia". Author M. Hashimov. Saga publishing house, 2001