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Akkoz - Kaynar Baba spring.

A trip from Gaurdak (Magdanly) to Turkmenabad.
"All the aspirations and efforts of nature are completed by man, they strive for him, they fall into him as into the ocean"
A.I. Gerzen.
A trip to Kaynar Baba spring in Koitendag mountains.
A small pond, fed by the warm water source Akkoz is considered sacred. It has another sonorous name known throughout the Karluksky steppe: Kaynar Baba, what means "boiling spring". Next to it, among thickets of green reeds and tamarisk there is another spring that severely enriched with hydrogen sulfide.
According to its medical qualities it is more effective than the famous Matsesta waters. All year round people from Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan come here seeking for healing. The consumption of Akkoz is more than 80 l / sec.
In its small hollow, the baths are molded from sticky clay, where the patients with radiculitis, rheumatism and other joint pains are treated. After bathing in this fragrant and warm (21 C) water you feel cheerful and full of energy.
Lake Kaynar Baba is 25 meters in diameter. But if we take into account that there is no other reservoir in the whole territory of the Karyuksky steppe in a few dozen square kilometers, it is already a rich source of fresh water.
The lake was formed at the mouth of an underground spring, bursting with a powerful ascending stream at the foot of Kugitang. The water flow is almost 2 cubic meters per second. Truly, water enriched with compounds of gypsum, is not so tasty.
Its temperature is constant throughout the year. In summer waters refresh the body pleasantly, and in winter they warm you. The medical season is not interrupted here. Kaynar Baba is the only local source of water supply, which is used by small villages scattered along the foothill plain - Kundzhak, Karlyuk, Khodja.
Three large irrigation ditches, dug by the first settlers at the dawn of our era, diverge from the source in three directions. The southern channel reaching Amudarya is symbolically the most recent tributary of the mighty Central Asian river.
Locals joke: "If not Kainar Baba, the Amudarya would have dried up long ago". In the lake itself and the aryks, which are overgrown with reeds and seaweed, many fish are found - carp and others. Kaynar Baba and Akkoz are well-known, far beyond.
A source:
"Religious and spiritual monuments of Central Asia". Author M. Khashimov. Saga Publishing House, 2001.