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Ancient settlement of Kos-asar.

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Tourism in Kyzylorda region.
The Altyn-Asar settlement is located in the Karmakchinsky district of the Kyzylorda region, 32.9 kilometers north-west of the Turmaganbet village and 51.1 kilometers south-west of the district center of Zhosaly. The settlement of Kos asar, one of the most extreme in the southern direction, dates back to about the VIIth - IXth centuries AD and presumably belongs to the Oguz-Kipchak period.
The object is three-tiered, from four to six meters high, 40 by 45 meters in size, has a polygonal architecture, a protective structure 60 meters long. In the eastern part there is a citadel 8 - 10 meters high. Now archaeologists are mainly engaged in clearing the third tier, and it is safe to say that this was the period of developed clay brick production.
Among the artifacts found there are ceramics, processed deer antlers, ornaments, more often with images of a ram, coins with Arabic inscriptions, and more. Tompak Asar is one of the link cities of the Zhetyasar culture. Nearby is a security sign.
The oval top platform of the object has a height of over ten meters, then it is enclosed by a second platform, also round in shape. Inside there are many dwelling and fortification buildings on tiers, a corral for livestock.
Geographic coordinates of the settlement of Kos-asar: N45 ° 12'24.67 "E63 ° 33'20.23"
L.M. Levina. “Ethnocultural history of the Eastern Aral Sea region. 1st millennium BC -1 millennium AD ". 1996 year. Publishing house "Eastern Literature".
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.