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Arch on Tuzbair Saline Land.

Ecotours in Mnagyshlak.
“In books I have traveled, not only to other worlds, but into my own”
Anna Quindlen.
Tours to sights on Ustyurt in Kazakhstan.
Approximately near Saline Land Tuzbair is in a middle part of the Western cliff of Ustyurt the well-known Arch of Tuzbair which reminds one of cretaceous columns in Baysary valley which are between the mountain Bokty and Boszhira valley place in Mangistau area West Kazakhstan .
Saline Land Tuzbair is located between slopes of the Western cliff of Ustyurt which breaks in decrease to Saline Land. From the northwest of Saline Land Tuzbair is limited by the ridge Kaskyrzhol, from the West sands Sengirkum and Sauskan.
Tuzbair from the West on the East makes Saline Land length 24 kilometers, the greatest width of 6 kilometers from the North on the South. The dominating height in vicinities litter Tuzbair is the mountain Tuzbair 272 meters high above sea level which is located in a northwest part of the Western cliff of Ustyurt.
The Ustyurt plateau breaks the cut-up gorges washed out by water from the East and the northeast on litter Tuzbair. Extent of the Western cliff of Ustyurt which breaks to litter Tuzyubair makes 27 kilometers of majestic breaks.
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov