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Archabil Highway.

Highways in Ashgabad.
Archabil Highway also known as Archabil Avenue (turkmen Arçabil şayoly) - the most modern and high-speed highway of Ashgabat. GAP Inshaat Yatyrym ве Dysh Tidzharet A. Sh." is constructed in 2004 by the company ".
Length makes 14,35 km. Width of the carriageway of the four-row road in each direction with a dividing strip makes more than 30 meters. The route meets the international standards of the first technical category.
Along the highway the new cultural business center of Ashgabat is formed, most the ministries and departments of Turkmenistan is located here. In April, 2013 reconstruction of the prospectus 25,5 km long by the Russian company "Vozrozhdeniye" is begun.
It is possible to reach it on the 20th route (The Railway station - a health track) and the 56th route (The inhabited Caches array (Proyektnaya Street) - the Alem entertaining cultural center).
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport.