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Bagcha-Darvaza a gate.

Excursions on a gate Ichan-Kala.
"If the king captures one climate,
You want to capture another climate
Seeing the new month and the face of a friend, people are joyful on the holiday,
To me, far from your face and eyebrows,
got some worries in the month of the holiday "
Zahir ad-Din Mohammed Babur. "Babur-Nama."
Excursion from Khiva to the fortress of Khorezm.
The northern gate of Ichan-Qala are a symmetrical construction in the fortification, divided into rooms. The South side facing Ichan Qala is less impressive.
Unlike Tash-Darwaza, stairs leading up protrude from the southern corner of the towers are located on their sides, deep inside the walls of Ichan-Qala.
Dimentions according to the plan: 18,0 m X16,0 m; height is 8.5 m.