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Berdakh Museum.

Excursions to museums of Karakalpakstan.
"In its deepest essence, culture is nothing more than a creative synthesis"
Wilhelm Windelband.
Museums of Karakalpakstan.
The Berdakh Museum is located at the corner of Chardzhou Abdirov and Allayar Dosnazarov Streets, in the southwestern part of the Karakalpak State University in the city of Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan. In 1997, in connection with the 170th anniversary of the great Karakalpak poet and thinker Berdakh, it was decided to create a museum named after Berdakh. In 1998, a museum building was built at the Karakalpak State University.
The total area of the museum is 1.26 square meters and is a three-storey building with one large and six small domes. The author is a well-known architect in the republic, laureate of the Berdakh State Prize Orynbai Toreniyazov.
Museum-treasury of the cultural heritage of the people, nation. The museum is a mirror of history, which reflects the entire historical path, from ancient times to the present day, passed by the people. The Berdakh Museum, justifying its calling, decorates the city with its original architecture.
Quoting scientists, it is safe to say that Berdakh was the first historian of the Karakalpak people. His work "Shezhire" is truly the genealogy of an entire people and not only the Karakalpaks, but contains information about the Turkic peoples as a whole.
In "Shezhir" there are the names of about 300 characters who are historical figures and played a certain role in the history of the people. There are works of the poet, poems dedicated to national heroes like "Amangeldi", "Yernazar biy" and others, the images of which are kept in the memory of the people to this day.
In addition to poetry, Berdakh also possessed the talent of "Bakhsy" and was famous not only among the Karakalpaks, but also among the neighboring peoples: the Uzbeks of Khorezm and the Turkmens. Taking all this into account, the museum displays expositions showing the history, ethnography and culture of the Karakalpaks.
The organization of special thematic halls of archeology, ethnography, art and history is envisaged. Of particular interest to visitors is the hall of manuscripts, where written monuments in Arabic, Persian and Turkic languages are kept, which have survived to this day.
In the future, the museum hopes to become a center for the restoration, conservation and study of written monuments in Karakalpakstan, thereby incorporating a scientific and educational function. Through the exposed expositions, visitors gain knowledge about the history of education and upbringing in Karakalpakia, having absorbed materials about spiritual educational institutions of the past and present - madrassas and mektabs, the first Soviet educational institutions, about the history of the formation of higher and secondary education in Karakalpakstan.
Berdakh Museum address: Ch. Abdirov street, 1, Nukus city.
Geographic coordinates of the Berdakh Museum in Nukus: N42 ° 27'05.78 "E59 ° 37'30.63"
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