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Museum in Muynak.

Excursion to Muynak Museum.
"Interest in the individual and the ability to capture it is a refined flower of culture, blossoming only where the desire for artistic, aesthetic contemplation, creation and transformation of reality is developed."
Nikolay Onufrievich Lossky.
Trip to Muynak from Nukus.
The local history museum dedicated to the Aral Sea and the Aral lake is located in the central part, along Ajiniyaz street, opposite the district administration in the village of Muynak, Muynak district of the Republic of Karkalpakstan.
Initially, the museum of local lore was founded in 1984 in the house of culture in the village of Uchsay, Muynak district, in 1998 it was moved to the house of culture in the village of Muynak. The museum has over 200 exhibits of fine and applied art telling about the history of the Muynak region, the Aral Sea, the local population, flora and fauna, as well as the famous Muynak cannery.
In July 2013, after restoration and renewed expositions, the local history museum opened its doors, ecological museum of the Aral Sea and the Aral Sea in the village of Muynak. The museum exposition reflects the culture of Karakalpakstan and the peculiarities of the Aral Sea region.
On the first flora, fauna, national clothing and handicrafts, items everyday life, samples of products of the fish cannery, which was famous throughout the Soviet Union, and supplied food to besieged Leningrad and to the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.
There are also photographs that capture the Aral Sea in all its power and fullness, as well as the daily life and concerns of the Karakalpak people who lived on the coast of the Aral Sea. On the second floor there is an art gallery of works by famous artists who lived nearby with the Aral Sea, and reflected in their paintings views on the stages of its existence.
A special stand is occupied by picturesque masterpieces of Karakalpak artists Faim Madgazin and Rafael Matevosyan, singers of the Aral Sea and the Amu Darya River, telling about the Aral Sea in the period from 1950 to 1980.
Museum visitors also have the opportunity to see photographs and a documentary about the history of the Aral Sea and the region of the last century.
Geographic coordinates of the regional museum of the Aral region and the Aral Sea in Muynak: N43 ° 45'59.63 "E59 ° 01'44.46"
Dospanov October, candidate of historical sciences. G. Nukus.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.