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Climate of Karkaraly park.

Tours in Karaganda town.
“Now days are hot as passions,
Will not come until next spring,
Ahead of cold weather
And about the warm ringing summer dreams"
Anatoly Bolutenko.
Tours from Balkhash to Astana.
The coldest months in Karkaraly Park are December and January (-45 ° C), the warmest is June (+ 37 °). The average annual temperature is positive and equal to + 1.6 C with the highest average in July + 18.7 C. A high degree of continentality is also manifested in daily temperature fluctuations.
The annual precipitation is also subject to sharp changes and is observed in the range from 125 to 512 mm, averaging 298 mm. Maximum precipitation falls in June (47 mm) and July (46 mm). The frost-free period in the most favorable years reaches 142 days, in less favorable years - only 37, and the long-term average is 98 days.
The number of days in a year with stable snow cover reaches 147 days. The beginning of early winter falls on October 29, late - on December 16. Snowmelt can begin on March 1 and April 7, and end on March 10 and April 25. The average long-term date of the last snowfall is May 12, but often it snows in June.
The average long-term date of termination of frost in the spring is May 30, and the appearance of the first frost in the fall is September 6. The Karkaraly mountains are sharply dissected by rocky ridges with comb-like watersheds, intermountain hollows, gorges and river valleys.
There are caves and stone canopies, shallow niches and through holes in stones, battlements and lonely column-shaped figures. Extend from south to north. The top of this ridge forms several outstanding original hills, of which the southern, higher one is Kosshoky, in 1936 the mountain received a new name Komsomolsky peak after climbing 100 girls and boys.
The highest peaks of Karkaraly are Mount Shankoz 1360 meters above sea level, Bugaly 1323 meters above sea level, Koktyube 1254 meters above sea level. Rare metals such as molybdenum and tungsten were found in the tracts Tasbulak, Apanas, Shonai, Kuygenkystau, Zhapak-karagai. T
he accumulations of minerals in the tracts of Akkezen, Kyzylshoki, Nayzashoky, Saryshoky are especially significant. There are a lot of decorative and semiprecious stones in these places. Attractive in color jasper. In the three caves of the Maliksai tract, you can notice the crystalline faces of rock crystal and topaz glistening from light.
Here previously found smoky and wine-yellow topazes. Apparently, this refers to the extreme left cave, famous for its rich accumulation of minerals. The high mountains form a genuine region of a mountain oasis among the small hills of Saryarka.
Advertising booklet of Karkaraly National Park, 2003.
Alexander Petrov.