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Fauna of Karkaraly park.

Animals of Karkaraly park.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”
Charles Darwin.
Nature photos of Karkaraly park.
On the territory of the Karkaraly State National Natural Park, there are 190 species of vertebrates: 45 species of mammals, 122 species of birds, 6 species of reptiles, 2 species of amphibians and 15 species of fish.
The invertebrate fauna has been poorly studied and there is currently no accurate data on its species composition. sis of the mammalian fauna constitute rodents - cheeked ground squirrel, gray marmot, southern birch mouse, great jerboa, jerboa-jumper, Jungar hamster, Eversmann hamster, common hamster, vole Streltsov, red-backed vole, muskrat, steppe lemming, water vole, common vole, narrow-skulled vole , forest mouse, house mouse, baby mouse.
The Wild Animals Enclosure (northeastern part of the mountain massif, at Tasbulak) covers an area of 80 hectares. Deer, pony, yak (Poephagus grunniens), fallow deer (Cervus dama), bison (Bison bonasus) and other wild animals can be found here.
Usually in the evening there are a lot of holiday-makers who come to the enclosure from the neighboring rest camps and resorts to feed the animals. There is a special observation area but usually the animals willingly and fearlessly come up to the netting separating them from the visitors and if one strolls along the perimeter of the enclosure, the visitor can observe the animals in a more secluded atmosphere (free of charge).
The Nature Museum (at Tasbulak) is located in a two-storied wooden house. There are collections of fauna and flora, stuffed animals, herbaria, etc. One interesting detail is a large relief map of the Karkaraly mountain-forest oasis, on which all attractive sights of the district are represented.
The museum works from 9.00 till 19.00 everyday except Monday. Of the predators, there are a wolf, a fox, a corsac, a badger, a light ferret, an ermine, a weasel, a manul, a lynx. Until 1940, bears met on the territory of Karkaraly State National Natural Park.
The largest mammals belong to ungulates: wild boar, red deer, Siberian roe deer, elk, argali. Also in the territory of the national park of mammals live representatives of insectivores, bats and rabbits. Of the birds, most species are migratory, but a lot of nesting birds.
The following species of animals are listed in the Red Book: argali, golden eagle, gray partridge, gray crane, demoiselle crane, as well as the great spotted woodpecker, black stork. The list of endemic, rare and endangered plants of the region listed in the Red Book - medicinal marshmallow, Karkaraly barberry, Pallas honeysuckle, perforated St. John's wort, Zalessky feather grass, thin poppy, red fescue, large-flowered one-piece flowers, smooth wormwood, Karkaraly wheatgrass, male tulip fox orchis.
In the territory of the national park, argali lives mainly in the Sarmantai and Karagash mountains of the Kent regional branch, according to visual observations, in the amount of 14 individuals. In Karkaraly park there are rest houses, among which Tasbulak, Pearl, Cascade, rest house Shakhtar and others.
There is a camp for children “Shapagat.
Alexander Petrov.