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Climate Ustyrt reserve.

Tours Ustyrt nataural reserve.
“Nature abhors annihilation”
Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Travel & Tours in Kazakhstan.
The territory of reserve concerns to very dry and warm area Mangistau of area. Summer hot and long. Average temperature of July 26 - 28. In separate years the temperature reaches 40 - 60.
The average annual quantity of deposits does not exceed 120 mm, deposits basically during the autumn-winter period drop out. In the beginning of January, the average height of a snow cover does not exceed 10 sm, thus the ground freezes through on depth up to 70 see Number of days with relative humidity of air of less than 30 % - 163.
Mid-annual humidity of air of 54 %. Years deposits are usually short, there are downpours, there is a soil erosion. In dry years during all summer often does not drop out deposits. It is a lot of heat and light, good weather lasts during a greater part of year.
Autumn warm, clear. In separate years the frosts alternating with thawing weather are formed. Winter short and warm. The cold period of year is characterized by intrusion of air weights of the western spur of the Siberian anticyclone.
Average temperature of January - 2,5 - 5. The snow cover is very unstable, is formed in the end of December - the beginning of January. Snows drops out a little, in 50 % of winters he is absent in general.
The temperature of air during winter time also is unstable. In separate days of severe winters she falls up to - 26 and even - 41, and in places with the lowered relief up to - 45. Blizzards, ice are frequent.
An average of days with thawing weather 40 - 45. Also strong winds and storms in the winter are characteristic. Spring fast, transient. Frosts stop in the first of April. Hot dry weather comes in second half of May.
Plahov Konstantin. Reserves of Central Asia and Kazakhstan (under R.V.Jashchenko general edition. Protected natural territories of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, release 1 - Tetis, Almaty, 2006.352 p.
Alexander Petrov.