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Complex of Abulkhair Khan - Khan molasy.

Historical monuments of Aktobe region.
“The prophetic zhyrau spoke and with every word he became more and more convinced that it was in vain and the fate of the poor slave was decided ... Khan Abulkhair interrupted his thoughts. He asked this question, which haunted no one in the steppe:
- How did it happen, my zhyrau, that we have come to such a misfortune? Why, like saigas, did our tribes and clans run before the Dzhungars? Where is our former strength? This question was not easy, and Zhyrau just shook his head gloomily. But Khan Abulkhair did not lag behind:
- You are called the keeper of our past, zhyrau. The glory of your wisdom goes throughout the steppe. Tell me why all this is happening? Is it possible that after Kasym Khan, not a single person was born in our people who could foresee such a disaster and make people prepare to repulse the enemy! ..
- Why, there were such people!.. - Bukhar-zhyrau waved his hand. “But one thing is desire, another is the ability to manage people in the steppe.”
Ilyas Esenberlin. "Despair".
Tours from Aktobe to Astana.
The memorial complex of Abulkhair Khan is located at an altitude of 129 meters above sea level, located in the northern part of the ancient Kandysuyk necropolis, 8.4 kilometers east of the Kandysuyk tract, 3.7 kilometers west of the right bank of the Ulkayak River, 56.2 kilometers to the northwest of the village of Torgai, 56.5 kilometers southeast of the village of Akkum, 77.2 kilometers southeast of the village of Tolybai, in the southeastern part of the Aitekebi district in the southeastern part of the Aktobe region.
The Khan Molasy complex was opened in 2015 in honor of the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. The memorial complex was erected at the burial site of Abulkhair Khan. The complex consists of a mausoleum over the grave of the khan and a memorial sign.
The sign is a high stylobate, raised above the steppe plane, from the center of which three banner steles proudly soar, covered with tamgas of all Kazakh clans. Such a concept, according to the author Bek Ibraev, reflects the activities of Khan Abulkhair, who managed to unite all Kazakh zhuzes into a single people in the cruel conditions of the war with the Dzungars.
The stylobate is understood as a stepped mound, and the kulpytas steles towering above it with the tamgas-coats of arms of our ancestors personify all the peoples and tribes that participated in the creation of the Kazakh ethnos.
Captain Nikolai Rychkov visited this area in the spring of 1771 and described that the khan's burial place was a small quadrangular mud-brick mausoleum. A branched tree grew on the eastern side of the mausoleum, and opposite the building, apparently to the south, there was a stone fence for sacrifices.
A small mud-brick mausoleum was erected over the khan's grave in the 18th century and a tree was planted, which became a guideline in subsequent searches for the grave. Subsequently, in the area of the Khan's grave, a Kazakh cemetery was formed - a huge necropolis, consisting of at least a thousand tomb structures represented by mud mausoleums and fences, which are now heavily ruined and turned into mound-shaped structures.
For a long time, the exact location of the tomb of Abulkhair Khan was unknown, except that he rests on the Khan Molasy necropolis. The old-timers pointed to the former location of the willow - the Khan's tree, but could not show it exactly.
As a result, domestic and foreign scientists were involved in the identification of the remains of the khan. It was decided to perform a genetic analysis of the seized bone remains with the genetic data of the direct descendants of the khan. The probability of coincidences was extremely high - 99.355%.
Khan of the Younger Zhuz Abulkhair was buried in 1748 at the place of his death after an unequal battle with Sultan Barak. Soon the mausoleum of Abulkhair Khan itself collapsed, and the only reference point for finding the grave was a lone willow.
Khan of the Younger Zhuz Muhammad Abulkhair Gazi Bahadur Khan was a direct descendant of Genghis Khan in the 15th generation. Abulkhair was born in 1693. His childhood passed in conditions when the Kazakh Khanate was attacked by Dzungaria and the Volga Kalmyks.
From a young age, Abulkhair actively participated in military campaigns, in the defense of Tashkent, Turkestan and Sairam. In 1718 he was elected khan of the Little Zhuz. At the head of a 30,000-strong army, he opposed the Dzungars and fought on the Ayaguz River.
Despite his youth, Abulkhair became famous for his personal courage, military skill and ability as an organizer. Not by chance in 1726 At the congress of the Kazakhs of all three zhuzes in Ordabasy, the sultans, biys and batyrs unanimously elected him the supreme commander of the Kazakh Khanate.
Under his leadership, the combined armed forces of the Kazakhs defeated the Dzungars twice, in 1729 in the Anrakay battle and in 1730 in the battle in the area of It Ishpes Alakul. At the same time, Abulkhair Khan realized that the military militias of the Kazakhs were unlikely to be able to resist the Dzungar Khanate. It was about the disappearance of the Kazakhs as a nation.
Abulkhair began to seek support from Russia. In September 1730, a representative office of Abulkhair was sent to Moscow with a request to accept the Kazakhs into Russian citizenship. And already on February 19, 1731, Empress Anna Ioannovna signed a letter on the voluntary entry of the Younger Zhuz into Russia.
In addition, having certain ambitions, Abulkhair assumed in the person of the tsarist administration to find the support of his own influence in the steppe. He has long entered into rivalry with the khanate dynasty of the Middle Zhuz, in particular, with Sultan Barak. This conflict ended tragically for him.
In early August 1748, returning from Orsk, where he met with Ambassador A. Tevkelev, he was killed by Khan Barak. The positions of two major political figures of the 18th century - Abulkhair and Barak - due to their personal qualities, became the basis for mutual hostility and rivalry.
About the reasons for the murder of Abulkhair, Barak Khan answered Kazybek Biy in the following way: “I killed Abulkhair Khan for the reason that he was a rogue, and did a lot of roguery ... he robbed the one sent to me from my son-in-law from Khiva for three goods on camels ... his clan will not be a force against ours, for our surname is honest and populous.
Geographic coordinates of Khan Molasy memorial complex: N49°57'17.31" E62°53'25.53"
“Based on field research. Ermaganbetova K. December 2016. "Register of memorial complexes built during the period of independence." "Practices and places of memory in Kazakhstan." Medeuova K.A., Sandybaeva U.M., Naurzbaeva Z.Zh., Tolgambaeva D.T., Ermaganbetova K.S., Melnikov D.N., Kikimbaev M.Zh., Ramazanova A.Ch., Tlepbergen A .B., Zhetibaev E.Zh., Orazbaeva D.E., Poltavets K.A.