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Domalak-asar ancient settlement.

Classic tourist route in Kazakhstan.
“Responsibility to history frees one from responsibility to people. This is its convenience"
A. Camus.
One-day excursion tours across Kazakhstan.
The settlement Domalak-asar is located in the Zhalagash district of the Kyzylorda region, 12 kilometers south-west of the Tan village and 17.3 kilometers southeast of the Akkyr village, on the Ungrliasar hill, 1.9 kilometers south-west of the Kara hill -asar with a height of 107.6 meters above sea level.
“The Jety-asar culture is extremely unique and sharply different from all neighboring and more distant Central Asian and Kazakh cultures. It is also characterized by the features of settlement, the organization of settlements, the specificity of material culture, including burial monuments.
Any Zhety-asar settlement, always surrounded by kurgan necropolises, is located in close proximity to a natural water source and, of course, ceased to exist simultaneously with the cessation of water flow in the channel on which it was based.
Among the known to us Zhety-asar settlements with continuous internal residential buildings and developed fortifications, there is not a single unfortified settlement. The location of the Zhetyasar settlements in groups or "nests" (5 - 9 fortresses in each) is characteristic, while one of them was always distinguished by its large size.
The extraordinary tradition and conservatism characteristic of the Zhety-asar culture, with the external archaism of all the features of material culture, is also manifested in the appearance of fortified settlements, in the planning and character of internal residential buildings, fortifications, and construction techniques for many hundreds of years. D
Typical of the Zhety-asar settlements are two-tier settlements, the original core of which consisted of two, three-story fortresses, round or oval in plan, with complex fortifications and continuous internal buildings.
Geographic coordinates of the ancient settlement Domalak-asar: N45 ° 01'12,00 "E64 ° 17'15,00"
"Ethnocultural history of the Eastern Priaralye". L. Levin.
Alexander Petrov.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.