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Eres kala fortified settlements.

Photo tour from Aktau to Karakalpakstan.
“If you can, do not worry about the running time,
Do not burden the soul with either the past or the future.
Spend your treasures while you are alive;
After all, all the same, in that world you will appear to be indigent ”
Omar Khayyam.
Trip to Karakalpakstan from Samarkand.
Settlement Eres kala is located on a natural hill 106 meters above sea level, located in the northwestern part of the sand of Ereskalakum, 13.7 kilometers northeast of the village of Turtkul, 13.6 kilometers southeast of the village of Bustan, in 6.8 kilometers south-west of the village of Bezirgen in the Turkul region of the Republic of Karkalpakstan.
At this time, the settlement is in ruins, which once represented a complex consisting of a city and castles. In ancient times, from Eres kala, through the fortress of Angka kala and the settlement of Bazar kala, there was a main irrigation canal of the system of the ancient Kelteminar, in the lower reaches of which the city was located.
The city had an irregular elliptical plan with an area of 360 x 220 meters; the central manor was located here, apparently, the citadel with the ruler's house. The outer walls with a thickness of 2.70 meters have been preserved in some places to a height of 9 - 10 meters.
The thickness of the inner wall is 2 meters, the width of the corridor is 1.90 meters. The fortress steppe is reinforced by open towers, located 23 - 30 meters from each other. The entrance is flanked by two strongly protruding gate towers (6 x 13.50 meters).
The wall and tower are cut by two rows of arrow-shaped loopholes. The shooting gallery had flat ceilings. The settlement is surrounded by a moat 13 - 15 meters wide and 1.50 - 2 meters deep. The initial date of the monument varies up to the IVth - IIIrd centuries B.C e. the presence of ceramics from the shooting corridor and trenches.
Ceramic finds found in the site made it possible to date it to the IIIrd - Vth centuries. AD, and numerous finds of ceramics of the Kanguy culture of Khorezm (IV century BC - early I century AD) suggested that the settlement arose in ancient times, but life in it continued until the V - VI centuries.
Geographic coordinates of the Eres kala ancient settlement: N41 ° 40'02.93 "E61 ° 05'30.34"
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.