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Ertogrul Ghazi mosque.

Religious excursions on Ashgabad mosques.
"In halls about 5 000 people can pray at the same time. The mosque 4 minarets, height of each of them have 62,22 meters. At production of domes and roofs of the mosque lead in number of 160 tons was used. Four snow-white minarets and the mosque of indescribable beauty cannot be something other as a symbol of freedom and virtue of the people of Turkmenistan"
Rest and tourism in Turkmenistan.
Ertogrulgaza mosque or Azadi Mosque (turkmen Ärtogrulgazy metjidi) - one of the most beautiful mosques of Ashgabat built in the Turkish style is the biggest in the city. The mosque contains four minarets. In 1998 one of the most beautiful buildings of our world – the Mosque Ertugrul Gazi was born.
It was constructed soon after declaration of the state of Turkmenistan independent and became one more symbol of its freedom. Externally it is similar to the Blue mosque located in Istanbul. The building, has the dark history.
During its construction several deaths occurred that at once guarded all believers. People of church are convinced – in the Mosque there lives a certain dark force, it also brings to people of misfortune. The mosque differs in the originality.
Nailing the doors, the thinnest work decorated with six-sided ornaments at which production any is not used, were created by professionals from Turkey. Gilded words from the Koran are entered manually. In the mosque which is considered as the house of God, the first floor is the men's hall, and the second - women's.
In halls about 5 000 people can pray at the same time. The mosque 4 minarets, height of each of them have 62,22 meters. At production of domes and roofs of the mosque lead in number of 160 tons was used. Four snow-white minarets and the mosque of indescribable beauty cannot be something other as a symbol of freedom and virtue of the people of Turkmenistan.
One of the first mosques built after finding of independence of Turkmenistan. It is called in honor of the Turkic governor Ertogrul. The idea to build the mosque was offered in 1992 by the prime minister of Turkey Süleyman Demirel.
On January 12, 1993 was the foundation is laid. It is open in 1998, and called in honor of the Ottoman sultan Ertogrul. Has external similarity to the Istanbul Blue mosque as it is constructed in classical Ottoman style.
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport.
Alexander Petrov.