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Fifth panorama Boszhira.

Expeditions tours on Mangyshlak.
«Travel is one of the major parts of self-education of the person…»
Guided Group Tours on Mangyshlak.
The fifth panoramic site of Boszhira is located at an altitude of 215.3 meters above sea level in the western part of the Oinak glade, on the Western cliff of the Ustyurt plateau, 770 meters northeast of the Ushkir tau outliers, 3 kilometers southeast of the Borly tau mountain in the Karakiyan region Mangystau region.
On the surrounding tract of the Ustyurt plateau, towering over the Bozzhira valley, there are several panoramic points from where stunning views of the picturesque surroundings open. The distance from 79 km of the Zhanaozen - Beket ata Mosque to the Fifth Panoramic Point is 13 km.
The distance from the fourth to the fifth panoramic point is 2.5 kilometers. Near the fifth panoramic platform there are two well-preserved hunting aranas, which organically complement the walk with the camera. In my opinion, the nature of Kazakhstan is so diverse and multifaceted that it will leave few people indifferent and this organically complements the fifth panorama of Boszhira.
The tourism infrastructure lags behind the possibility of full enjoyment of nature, but the inquisitive and daring traveler will find something new and hitherto undiscovered. Such a place on the map of unique natural attractions of Kazakhstan is the Boszhira valley, which lies somewhat away from the main road leading to the Mangyshlak Mecca - to the mosque and necropolis Beket ata.
Having come into contact with the saint, you can supplement your stay on the land of Mangystau with the contemplation of the creations of nature. This is truly an unforgettable and exhilarating wildlife excursion that will leave no one indifferent.
Geographic coordinates of the Fifth panoramic point of Boszhira: N43 ° 24'27.38 "E54 ° 06'05.42"
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.